Work Types
Work Type Setup
Work types are used to further categorize your work within each department. Worktypes can be tied to specific departments for ease of order/quote entry. To learn more about how to tie work types to departments, click HERE. Work Types also tie to the employee file, allowing you the ability to choose an opportunity level for that tech on that work type. To learn more about this feature, click HERE.
Master Files-> Miscellaneous->Work Type File
- Press NEW to create a new work type
- Give the work type a code and description - The description is what will be displayed in ServMan.
- Enter approximately how long it will take a tech to complete this type of work in the Expected Duration box. This number is used in scheduling the orders and in the FleetMatics integration. To learn more about how FleetMatics uses this Expected Duration field, click HERE.
- If you are using skill sets on employees and items, you may want to enter what skill sets are required to complete work of this type.

Nexstar Tab
This is for legacy use only.
If you are using the RPM Capacity Scheduling module, set this screen up based upon the directions found HERE.

Mobile Tab
If you are using Android Mobile, follow the directions in the Android Mobile section to set this up properly.

Advanced Tab
- ServMan allows you to Group your Work Types by using the Group code found on the Advanced Tab.
- Check the Disable Profit Summary Tab on Orders and Quotes for quicker load times. Some work types have many detail lines while others normally have just a few. Checking this checkbox will save time by not having to re-review each detail line to populate the information found on Profit Tab.
- Check the Inactive checkbox if you no longer want to use this work type.

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