Enable credit card and eCheck processing
Several application and company settings are required when using ServMan's credit card processing features. The settings vary depending upon how you process credit card payments. If you do not feel comfortable making these changes, please contact ServMan Customer Care.
Enable the credit card and eCheck modules
- Select Tasks > System Procedures.
- Run the Modules Management procedure. This procedure is located in the System Config group.
- Set the status of the Credit Card Processing module to enabled.
- Click Save.
- Exit ServMan - completely exit, do not just log out.
- Log in to ServMan.
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Add the types of credit cards you accept
When entering credit card types, most customers enter Visa and MasterCard as a single entry so that these cards can be processed together when processing batch credit card payments.
- Select Utilities > Program Settings / Defaults.
- Select the Credit Cards tab.
- Enter the card type you accept.
- Enter the general ledger account these cards post to. NOTE: The setting applies only to customers who post payments directly to orders. The general ledger account that payments post to from credit cards is set in the merchant account gateway.
- Click OK.
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Add a merchant account gateway
Before you can use any of the credit card or eCheck features in ServMan, you must enter you merchant account (gateway) information. If you plan to use both credit cards and eChecks, then you should setup a merchant account for each.
- Click CC Merchants or eCheck Merchants on the Accounts Receivable Navigator.
- Click Add Account.
- Enter an ID for the merchant. This is an internal identification number and is limited to two (2) characters.
- If the merchant is associated with a specific branch, select that branch.
- Select the appropriate gateway. ServMan currently supports Authorize.net and YourPay gateways for credit cards and Authorize.net for eChecks.
- Enter the merchant ID and password.
- Authorize.net: log in to the Authorize.net website and click Settings then choose API Login and Transaction Key (you will be required to enter your security password to retrieve this information); for assistance accessing this information, you can use Authorize.net's live help option on their website
- YourPay: the Login ID must be your store number; the password is ignored; you must have the PEM file located in the folder X:\ServMan\##\YourPaySSL\StoreNo.PEM where ## is the ServMan company ID and the PEM file must be named the same as the store number; contact YourPay to obtain your PEM file
- Enter the URL for the gateway.
- Select the account where deposits post. NOTE: Best Practices are that you use an Undeposited Funds or similar general ledger account rather than posting directly to your bank account. When deposits are verified you should then journal the money from the Undeposited Funds to your bank account, removing any necessary fees. This process makes the account reconciliation process for your bank account much easier. See below for further information.
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Proper GL setup for credit card processing
Merchant providers may not release money to a client’s checking account in a predictable fashion. As a result, ServMan’s totals for a day’s deposit may not coincide with the deposits on your bank statement. The goal is to have the deposit entries in your checking account in ServMan match what will be on the bank statement at the end of the month.
The solution to this is to set up the merchant account in ServMan as described below. Then on a daily basis the client should enter a manual General Journal entry debiting the checking account and crediting the credit card clearing account to mimic the actual money transferred into your checking account by the merchant provider that day.
- Select Tasks > System Procedures.
- Select Credit Card Processing > ServManCC - Merchant Accounts. (This brings you to the same screen used when you created your Merchant Gateway.)

- Verify/Change the GL account number in the Bank Account field to be the GL account associated with your credit card clearing (or holding) account. This should NOT be the GL account number tied to your actual checking account.

- Click Save.
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Daily procedure for credit card processing
As described above, merchant providers may not release money to a client’s checking account in a predictable fashion. As a result, ServMan’s totals for a day’s deposit may not coincide with the deposits on your bank statement. The goal is to have the deposit entries in your checking account in ServMan match what will be on the bank statement at the end of the month for easy reconciliation.
On a daily basis, enter a manual General Journal Entry debiting the checking account and crediting the credit card clearing account to mimic the actual money transferred into your checking account by the merchant provider for that day.
- Select Journal Entry from your General Ledger Navigator
- Enter a memo if desired
- Enter the GL for your clearing account
- Add a reference description similar to what your bank will print on your statement
- Enter the amount the merchant deposited into your bank as a credit
- On the next line, enter the GL for the bank account the money is being deposited into
- Keep the pre-populate description from the entry above
- Enter the same deposit amount keyed on the first line into the debit field
- Continue entering all deposits made by your merchant accounts individually. For example: if you receive $500 from one account and a second deposit from that same merchant for $700, each one should be keyed separately.
- Validate the bottom of the screen says In Balance
- Print, save and close

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Settings required for credit card payments
The following settings are required to use ServMan's credit card processing features:
Application Settings
These settings should be added to the servman.ini file located in the application directory - the directory where the ServMan application resides.
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Additional settings for credit card payments on orders
If you want to process credit card payments against orders, then you should also add the following settings:
Application Settings
These settings should be added to the servman.ini file located in the application directory - the directory where the ServMan application resides.
Company Settings
These settings should be added to the servman.ini file located in the company directory.
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