Credit card payments
ServMan offers a robust credit card payment system. The system is extremely flexible and allows you receive credit card payments individually or in batches. You may need to enable the credit processing features prior to using them for the first time.
To view a video tutorial on how to take a credit card payment for an individual client, click HERE.
Process a credit card payment for an unpaid invoice
- Open the client's account.
- Click the Menu button and select A/R Detail Inquiry.
- Right-click in the detail area and select Credit Card Receipt.

- Select the charge type. Note: Sold is typically used to process the charge. You can choose pre-authorize if you wish to pre-authorize for the charge and later collect the funds in a batch - please note that fees are typically different for pre-authorizations.
- Enter the requested information. If a client has credit card information stored in ServMan, you can select that card rather than manually entering the information.
- Click Next.
- Select the invoices the client wishes to pay. The balance due for that invoice will be charged unless you override the payment amount. Optionally, you can record the payment as an open payment by checking the open payment option and entering the requested information.

- Click Next.
- Select the desired merchant account.
- Click the "Click here to process this charge button" to process the charge. If multiple invoices are submitted for payment, each one will be processed individually.
- You will be prompted to print a receipt. Click Yes or No.
- Click Finish.

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Process a credit card payment on an order
Using this option requires specific settings be enabled in ServMan. Please contact support to verify they are correct.
- Open the order.
- Verify the order is fully detailed, especially if you intend to collect full payment through this process.
- Click the Payments button, found at the lower left of the order.

- Press the Process Credit Card button in the Order Payments window.

- The amount to be charged will appear in the upper left. To change this, simply enter the amount to be charged to the card you are processing.
- Select Sale
- If the client has the credit card already on file, select it from the dropdown. If not, skip this step.
- Complete the credit card billing information as requested.
- Check the Preferred Card checkbox if this credit card will be the preferred card to use for other payments on this account.
- Press Next.

Select the proper merchant account from the dropdown, verify the bank account GL is correct and press the button to process the charge.
Print the receipt and/or email the order if desired and press finish to complete the transaction

Press Finish to complete the transaction.
Repeat the above steps to charge another credit card should the client request this.
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Process credit card payments in a batch
The benefit of batch processing is that you can process multiple invoices at once, but it does require that the client have a preferred credit card set on their account. All invoices MUST be posted to AR to use this feature. Processing credit cards in a batch requires you to specify specific Term Codes to be used to identify the specific invoices you wish to include in your credit card processing.
NOTE: You cannot process batch credit card payments for orders, only invoices.
- Click the Credit Card Batch on the Accounts Receivable navigator.
- Enter the batch information or select an existing batch. IMPORTANT NOTE- A transaction can only be included in a single batch. If a charge transaction is included as "PENDING" in any unprocessed batch, it will not be included in any subsequent batches. Charges listed as on "HOLD" must be cleared from a batch if it is your intention to attempt to process them on a new batch.
- Click Next.
- Select the charge type from the following options in the dropdown:
- Sale - returns invoices or open A/R (depending on your selection)
- Pre-Authorization - allows you to pre-authorize for charges on recurring orders/invoices
- Capture - allows you to capture pre-authorized charges
- Select the first method, Get charges from invoices billed, from the dropdown to identify potential charges. The remaining methods are for legacy applications.
Enter the date range. Dates are ALWAYS based on INVOICE POST DATE
Select the payment term you wish to capture charges for. It is recommended that you have Credit Card and eCheck payment terms setup in your system and precess each in separate batches.
Select the card type to charge. Typically, American Express cards are run separately because they are deposited separately from Visa/MasterCard/Discover payments.
Press Next..

- Review the transactions. Any charges for clients whose credit card is expired will be placed on HOLD automatically - you will also be provided a list of those accounts.
- Click the Click Here to Process All Pending Sales Below button to process the charges. ServMan will process each invoice/transaction as a separate charge.
- Click the Transaction Report button to print a transaction report that summarizes the transactions based on card type and status (approved, declined).
- Click Finish.

Addressing AVS Declines
If your batch has Address Verification failures you may remove the address from the credit card and resubmit the charge for payment. (Based on your merchant provider.) Set the status of the declined transactions back to Pending and re-submit the batch. You can optionally click the "Address AVS Issues" button at the top middle of the screen. This process will automatically clear all addresses from the batch and credit card records for charges that have been declined due to an AVS validation rule. All affected records will be set back to the status of "PENDING". You may now resubmit the batch.
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Process a refund for a credit card payment
You can issue a refund by credit card if the original charge was processed through ServMan's integrated credit card module.
NOTE: If the credit card charge was processed on a terminal or website outside of ServMan, you should issue the refund by check in ServMan then process the refund via your credit card terminal or website.
- Click Credit Card Refund on the Account Receivable Navigator.
- Select the client account. This displays a list of payments that were made by credit card in ServMan.
- Locate the original charge. You can filter payments by date using the Show Transaction drop-down menu.
- Select Refund in the Type column.
- Enter the amount of the refund in the Refund Override column. If you plan to refund the full amount of the charge, then you leave this field blank.
- Repeat steps 3 through 5 for additional refunds.
- Click "Click here to process selections to process the refund". If refunds are submitted for multiple invoices, each one will be processed individually.
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Void a credit card payment
Voiding a credit card transaction is similar to issuing a refund with one exception: the original transaction has settled. Voiding the transaction tells your merchant to cancel processing of the original charge. If the charge has already settled for the day - check with your merchant provider regarding specific settlement times - then you should issue a refund.
NOTE: If the credit card charge was processed on a terminal or website outside of ServMan, you should issue the refund by check in ServMan then process the void via your credit card terminal or website.
- Click Credit Card Refund on the Account Receivable Navigator.
- Select the client account. This displays a list of payments that were made by credit card in ServMan.
- Locate the original charge. You can filter payments by date using the Show Transaction drop-down menu.
- Select Void in the Type column.
- Repeat steps 3 through 4 for to void additional transactions.
- Click "Click here to process selections" to process the refund. If refunds are submitted for multiple invoices, each one will be processed individually.
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