Working with purchase orders

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A purchase order is a document issued to a vendor that shows intent to purchase materials or services at a specified price, which becomes a legally binding contract once the vendor accepts it.


There are three kinds of purchase orders; purchases for stock replenishment, purchases for order fulfillment, and stock transfers in and out of your warehouses.  

Purchase for stock replenishment

            - Create a manual PO not linked to orders

            - Can use Auto create PO for Stock items with min/max

            - Purchase Non-stock items by using the Audit Report by Warehouse.  Requires “Warehouse Required” check box to be set on non-stock items.

Purchase for order fulfillment

            PO linked to order

Stock transfers


Find a purchase order

  1. Click Purchase Orders on the Purchasing Navigator. You may also select Modules > Purchasing > Add/View/Edit PO's.
  2. Enter your search criteria.
  3. Press Enter or click Start Search.


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Add a new purchase order

There are several ways to add a purchase order or quote in ServMan.

Purchasing Navigator

  1. Click New Purchase Order.
  2. Enter the requested information.
  3. Click Save.

Task menu

  1. Select Task > New Purchase Order.
  2. Enter the requested information.
  3. Click Save.

Work order

  1. Open the work order. You can also right-click on an order on the schedule board and select New PO from Order.
  2. Select the Purchasing tab.
  3. Right-click and select New PO.
  4. Select or enter the following information:
  5. Select the times you wish to purchase.
  6. Enter other information as needed on the purchase order.
  7. Click Save.


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Add a copy of a purchase order

  1. Select Purchase Orders on the Purchasing Navigator. Or select Modules > Purchasing > Add/View/Edit PO's.
  2. Find the purchase order you wish to copy.
  3. Right-click on the purchase order and select Add Copy of.
  4. Edit the information as needed.
  5. Click Save.


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Purchase order menu button shortcuts

ServMan provides a button on many screens that allows quick and convenient access to frequently used functions. For purchase orders, the menu has the following options:


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Edit a purchase order

  1. Open the purchase order.
  2. Update the information as needed.
  3. Click Save.


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Change the tax codes on a purchase order

The tax codes on a purchase order are automatically set to the same tax codes found on the vendor's account, but you can manually override them if needed.

  1. Open the purchase order.
  2. Select the Setup tab.
  3. Select the appropriate tax codes from the drop-down menus. There may be up to four (4) tax codes depending on your system settings.
  4. Click Save.


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Receive against a purchase order

  1. Click Receive Bill/Inventory on the Purchasing Navigator or Enter Bill/Receive PO on the Accounts Payable Navigator.
  2. Enter or select the vendor.
  3. Select the purchase order you are receiving from the "Receipt from PO#" menu.
  4. Indicate the items and quantity received. To quickly receive the purchase order in full, right-click in the detail area and select "Receive All."
  5. Update the other information as needed.
  6. Click Save.


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Cancel a purchase order

  1. Open the purchase order.
  2. Click the Status menu and select Canceled.
  3. Click Save.


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