PM Contract Management Options

Methods available for managing PM Contracts

PM(01) Module

Recurring Orders

Maintenance Tasking


ServMan offers three modules / methods for managing Maintenance Contracts (Agreements) in the ServMan application.

PM(01) Module

The PM(01) Module is most commonly used by service contractors that provide predetermined,  highly standardized services and visit schedules that are specifically linked to customer-owned equipment.  

Types of contractors that typically use this module are Residential HVAC contractors that offer one or two visits per year for HVAC Mechanical equipment or plumbers with annual water heater plans, etc..

This module requires client systems to be linked to a specific Coverage Type.   Each Coverage Type can have preset visit schedule that determines the month in which the maintenance visit will be generated.  You can also associate a specific list of tasks that should be performed on the system during the visit.   

Contracts run in periods of 12 months and can be auto-renewing or have specific expiration dates. ServMan offers tools for managing the renewal price of Contracts as well as sophisticated reporting of contract activities like expiring contracts, new contract additions, and canceled contracts.

PM(01) Module Pros

• Simple for Users to set up New Contracts using a Standardized Wizard

• Simplified Contract Renewal using Wizards and Batch Processes

• Task List(s) can be included with Orders

• Sophisticated Management Reporting

• Simplified Revenue Management for Deferred Revenue

• Standardized Renewal Invoice Formats and Processes

• Standardized Renewal Price Management Processes

• Automated Appointment Notifications

• Supports Multiple Coverage Types on a Single Contract

PM(01) Module Cons

• Complex Initial Setup and Configuration

• Requires Client System Records to Set up Coverage

• Rigid Processes

• Supports Multiple Departments on a Single Contract in different months only

• Visits are Month-based

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Recurring Orders

Often clients may find situations where the PM(01) Management Module is too rigid to meet their specific requirements.  Perhaps they require multiple departments to work on different aspects of the client’s installation, or recurrence patterns that occur more than once a month, or the ability to have pre-populated items on their tickets. The use of manually created Recurring Orders, “RCO’s”  provides the ultimate in flexibility for managing contracts allowing the user to specifically schedule virtually any combination of visit dates and instructions. The downside, as there always is one, is complexity of setup.   

Recurring Order Pros

• Extremely Flexible

• Non-Standard Invoicing Schedules

• Non-Standard Visit Schedules

Recurring Order Cons

• Renewal Management

• Manual Processes

• Scheduling Visits

• Covered Equipment / Systems

• Contract Pricing of Add-on Services

• Flat Rate Pricing

When using RCO’s the user must manually create the Contract,  RCO’s and Amortization schedules when deferring revenue.   


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Maintenance Tasking

The Maintenance Tasking  module is primarily used by commercial service organizations where Maintenance Tasks actually drive the Maintenance Schedule. This method is used frequently in Commercial Companies.  

Maintenance Tasking Pros

• Task Specific Schedules

• Varying task per system month by month

• Tasking results stored

Maintenance Tasking Cons

• Renewal Management

• Manual Processes

• Scheduling Visits

• Contract Pricing of Add-on Services

• Flat Rate Pricing


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