Serialized Items

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Create Serialized Items

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Receive Serialized Inventory

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Transfer Serial Items


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Selling a Serialized item

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Finding Serialized Items

Search by Serial number or item number from the Serial SmartView found by clicking the Serial Inventory button on the Inventory Navigator


Search by Client Account or Serial Number from the System SmartView found under Master Files


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Stock Transfers

When your warehouse guys move serialized items to a tech's truck, once they enter a Transfer Quantity, the Enter Serial Numbers box will pop.  Select the proper serial number by pressing the spacebar as shown above.  

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To change an existing inventory item with quantities on hand to be serialized

Know what serial numbers belong to the inventory on each truck by doing a Physical Inventory Count

Adjust your count down to zero for this item, then add the item back into each truck  with the Serial Number following the steps outlined here.


Use the Adjust Inventory button from the Inventory Navigator


In the item master, adjust the quantity of the item in each warehouse down to zero, print and press update

Add the quantity back in the inventory to the same warehouse to get the Enter Serial Number popup box.

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Fixing an incorrect Serial Number on an order

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