Working with general ledger accounts

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Add a general ledger account

  1. Click Chart of Accounts on the General Ledger Navigator. You may also select Master Files > Chart of Accounts.
  2. Right click in the large white Info area.
  3. Select Add.
  4. Enter the GL Code to add
  5. Select the type from the dropdown
  6. Enter a description
  7. If this is a sub account, check the checkbox and enter the parent account this will roll into
  8. Check the appropriate boxes to tell ServMan if this is a WIP account or a Non-Posting account
  9. Click OK to save.


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Edit a general ledger account

You cannot change an account from a balance sheet account to an income statement account or vice versa once a transaction has posted to the account. To change the type of the general ledger account that has a parent account assigned - click HERE.

  1. Click Chart of Accounts on the General Ledger Navigator. You may also select Master Files > Chart of Accounts.
  2. Select the code.
  3. Right click.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. Edit the information as needed.
  6. Click OK.


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Make a non-posting general ledger account

A non-posting account is one that transactions cannot post to. These are often created to server a roll-up accounts when printing financial statements.

  1. Add a new account or edit an existing account.
  2. Check the Is a non-posting account option.
  3. Click OK.


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Inactivate a general ledger account

  1. Edit the account.
  2. Check the Inactive check box.
  3. Click OK.


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Delete a general ledger account

ServMan will not allow you to delete an account that has transactions posted to it as this would affect your historical financial information. Instead, you can inactivate the account, which will prevent future transactions from posting to it.

  1. Click Chart of Accounts on the General Ledger Navigator. You may also select Master Files > Chart of Accounts.

  2. Select the code.

  3. Right click.

  4. Select Delete.

  5. If the code has transactions posted to it and you get this message, inactive the account.

  1. If the code has no transactions posted to it, press Yes to confirm deletion

  1. Click Yes to confirm to deletion.


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General ledger account options and field definitions

There are two (2) tabs for settings/options on general ledger accounts: General and Budgets. The General tab contains basic information about the account and the Budgets allow you to set budget information.


See Also: Managing Budgets

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