
ServMan Help > Preventive Maintenance Contract Management > PM (01) Module > Manage Price Changes on PM Agreements

Price Management for PM Agreements

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PM Renewal Price Change Management

Non-expiring agreements (evergreen or perpetual agreements) make use of Recurring invoices.  Most often these Recurring bills are set to occur monthly however any variation or recurrence pattern is supported.  When managing price increases for these "Evergreen" agreements you are faced with three complex issues:

Agreements that expire use Renewal Orders, or custom reports, to relay price increases to clients.  PM Agreements, by default use the coverage plan to determine the price for the renewal, but many clients may use the "Use Contract Price" option when pricing agreements, manually managing the price of each contact. The software provides a PM Price Update Wizard to address managing price increases/decreases and notifications to clients, through a custom report, for all of these options.


The Price Update Wizard scans through all of your non-expiring agreements.  This would be agreements that have an expiration date of 99/99/9999.  Your select the agreements you want to include by entering a date range based on the contracts Anniversary date. (All non-expiring agreements have an ANNUAL anniversary date based on the original start date of the agreement.)

All of these agreements will be analyzed based on the pricing method used when the agreement was created.  Agreements are priced using one of two methods; Plan Pricing or a hand keyed Contract Price.  


The Wizard then builds a list of all agreements with a renewal date greater than or equal to the date the price increase will take place.  Notification letters can then be printed showing your clients their current and new proposed price including the date it will become effective.  

When the agreement is actually renewed through the Batch Contract Wizard, a process required annually even for non-expiring agreements to create the next years amortization tables for recognizing deferred revenue, the software automatically will perform the following tasks:

The system must meet the following standard practices to work properly:

Now lets take a look at how to run the Wizard.

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Running the PM Price Update Wizard

When you launch the PM Price Update Wizard from your PM Navigator, you will be presented with a number of options to choose from.  Each option will be described in detail below.  

Evergreen Agreements with COVERAGE Plan Pricing

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Evergreen Agreements with CONTRACT Pricing

Expiring Agreements with COVERAGE Plan Pricing

Expiring Agreements with CONTRACT Pricing

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Price Management Grid

The Price Management grid displays all of the Proposed Price increases for the contracts you have selected.  It displays the current price as well as the new proposed price that will be applied when the agreement is renewed.  You may make additional changes to this new price by double clicking in the New Price field and entering the price you want it to have.  

NOTE: An agreement will only have one record in the Price Management Grid.  

NOTE: These records, as well as any changes in pricing you make to them are saved in a price increase table in ServMan.  To recall them, simply select "Review previously generated price increase data..." from the top dropdown and enter your date criteria of the batch you wish to review.  



PLEASE NOTE:  The new price will be applied to the next Renewal Order generated UNLESS you have a price lock on the specific agreement. Contracts with a price lock are not indicated in this grid, however you can see all contracts with a price lock by using your PM  SmartView. See instructions below.

Agreements that have no expiration date and use Coverage Plan pricing, will ALWAYS USE THE CURRENT COVERAGE PLAN PRICE  as of this writing, and thus do not require to be run though the Price Update Wizard, though the option still exists.  

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Find Agreements with a Price Lock

 The M01-PLOCK field houses the expiration date of the lock.  


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