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Marketing Source Codes are used for tracking and reporting the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. ServMan allows for one marketing source to be set for a client and 2 marketing sources to be entered on an order, quote or invoice. The Client's primary marketing source remains on the client record permanently giving you the ability to track and report the original source of the account. You may enter up to two Marketing Sources for your Orders, quotes and invoices. Each one of these two codes, called the Primary and Secondary codes, are tracked and reported separately. The process of converting a quote and the invoicing process will pick up the source codes from the originating document to populate subsequent documents. You may want to require a marketing source be captured when creating a new Client, Order or Quote. To have this option turned on, please contact ServMan Support.
The Marketing Source Category is used to categorize your various types of marketing efforts. For example: delivery method categories could be email, direct mail, billboard, TV, radio, door hanger, etc. Categories by campaign could include all marketing efforts related to a specific campaign. For example: a Winter 2014 category could include all billboards, TV, radio and print ads associated with that category, while Summer 2015 could include all media types used during that campaign period.
Navigate to Master Files > Marketing Categories to enter your categories.
Marketing Source Codes uniquely identify a specific marketing ad within a campaign or category. (For example, a Direct Mail piece could be further identified by the year and month it was sent, what it was promoting, what group of people it was sent to, etc.) The Marketing Source Code field is 10 characters in length and may contain alpha, numeric and special characters. Duplicate codes are not allowed. Call takers use a combination of the Category and Description to find the proper code quickly.
NOTE: The Marketing source code is simply a code used for tracking activity. A combination of Category and Description fields, not the actual code itself, are used to select the proper code when the client calls. Marketing reports are currently sorted alphabetically by the Description field of the Category and Code.
When you enter a client into ServMan you have the option of recording how that client heard about you. That information is entered into the client record and does not change should they request subsequent service calls.
Order marketing codes are used to record what prompted them to call you to place the order, like a direct mail piece, a door hanger, a Google search, etc. Marketing codes on orders also do not change and stay with that order forever. However, that client who initially saw your truck and called you for their first order, may respond to a different ad the next time the call. This new order will contain the new code while the original code on the client record will remain the same. This is the default behavior in ServMan. In addition, ServMan may be configured to default an order’s Primary Marketing Source with the Primary Marketing Source from the Client record. Should you wish to change the default behavior, please contact support.
Orders have a place for 2 marketing source code entries. The Primary Marketing Source is used to record the primary advertisement that lead them to call today. This source may be entered when creating a new client, order, quote or invoice. ServMan offers the ability to make the marketing source entry field a required field. To have this option turned on, please contact ServMan Support.
NOTE: The Tech Performance Report looks only at the primary source code field to report on Tech Referrals.
The Secondary Marketing Source may be used to house a additional marketing source, if desired. For example, a potential client saw your truck, then Googled your phone number to call for service. You now have 2 marketing sources to track; the truck and Google. Which code you put where is up to you, but be consistent! Your Marketing Summary Report will gather statistics on the Primary Source code - or - the Secondary source code, not both combined. For accurate results, make sure everyone knows which is most important and enter that as the primary. Remember that not all orders will have a secondary source code so when you run your report for secondary source code only, it will only count those that have a secondary code entered.
The Marketing Source Codes may also be set up to track referrals by an employee, client, vendor file or another source. The referral option may be set on any code but it can be associated with only one source. For example, you must create a marketing source for each type of referral (Referral-Employee, Referral-Client, and Referral-Vendor) rather than create one source for all 3 files. Each of these referral options contains a picker button to assist in selecting the proper employee, client or vendor who made the referral. Selecting Other as your referral source will display a free form text box to enter the referral information.
Marketing Source codes have no impact on pricing. To adjust the pricing on an order/quote/invoice, you must use a discount item designated for that purpose. These item codes are not tied to any specific Marketing Source Code. This allows you to create one standard Item Code for each monetary discount and reuse that code for any marketing campaign.
NOTE: ServMan has the ability to allocate discount dollars to specific GL accounts based upon information entered in at Item and Marketing Source setup. See your Project Manager and/or accountant to discuss, in detail, how you want this information recorded. For further information see Recording Marketing Costs below.
The costs associated with marketing efforts may be recorded and reported in two different ways. ServMan advises you discuss both methods with your accountant to find the best method to be used for each ad. Costs are set individually on each Marketing Source record.