Marketing Summary By Date Report

ServMan's Marketing Summary report gives you vital information on how well your marketing campaigns are performing.  The report can be run to show summary data or with order/quote/invoice information for more in depth research.  This report also supports drill down capabilities for examining orders, quotes and invoices more closely.  Double-click on the order number in the report and ServMan will open the order or invoice detail screen for you.  For information on how to set up your marketing campaigns, click HERE.

Report Selection Criteria

  1. Select the time frame based on Order From and Thru dates

  2. Use the multi-select boxes to select one, many or all Categories and/or all Marketing Source Codes

  3. Include campaigns whose dates are outside of the date range - will return all campaigns with any activity in the time frame, regardless of the start and end dates of the campaign

  4. Page Break after each category - will start a new page after each category  

  5. Include active marketing sources without activity - will return all active campaigns regardless if they had activity or not.  

  6. Use Secondary Marketing Source - will look at all orders in the date range selected with a secondary marketing source code only

  7. Show Detail - this option will show every order, quote and invoice that makes up the numbers for each section of the report.  This option allows drill down capability to take you directly to the quote, order or invoice you click on.  


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Report Fields

The example below shows what a typical report, run showing details, will look like.   The orders, quotes and invoices that appear all have activity within the selected dates for the categories/marketing codes selected in the criteria above.  

Note:  Columns D and E are considered Potential Sales as they have not yet been invoiced.  

1 = Marketing Category

2 = Detail by category

3 = Subtotals by Marketing code

4 = Subtotals by Category

5 = Summary of all Subtotals by Category to easily see how each category is doing compared to the others.  Note that here the % of Sales (L) is based upon what portion of all categories each individual category makes up.  


A = The order, quote or invoice number - Clicking on this number will open the actual order/quote/invoice

B = Work order (SVC), quote (QUO), or invoice (INV)

C = Leads - Count of Orders and Quotes.  

D = Quotes - The current dollar value of the quote

E = Orders - The current dollar value of the order

F = Conv. Leads - Count of invoiced sales (INV)

G = % Close -  Number of Conv. Leads / number of Leads

H = Invoiced Sales - The dollar value of the Conv. Leads

I = Campaign Cost - Cost of the campaign, derived from either the source's GL code and transcations posted to that GL for the time period selected - or - the amount entered in the marketing source code. Please click HERE for further information.  

J = Cost/Lead - Campaign Cost / number of Leads

K = Response Rate - The number of Leads / number sent - This number is entered into the Quantity field when setting up your marketing code

L = % of Sales - This number shows you what portion of the total category, each source code makes up.

M = ROI % - If you have campaign costs entered, the calculation will be Invoiced Sales - Campaign Cost / Campaign Cost


Section 5 - Shows you the Subtotals by Category so easily see how each category is doing compared to the others.  

Note - if you are running this report over previous dates (meaning all orders should be invoiced) your Orders amount should equal your Invoiced Sales. If the Order amount is higher, drill down into the report to find out why that order was not invoiced.  If Invoiced Sales is higher, then you have added more to your invoice than was on your order.  

Also, your Invoiced Sales should equal your balance sheet as long as you run them for the same time period.   

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Marketing Source Report

This report runs off of Client Source codes rather than order Source codes.  

The From and Thru Date selection refers to the date the client was entered into ServMan.

To include accounts that are currently on Hold, check the checkbox.

To exclude marketing codes that have never been used, check the last box.

The report will count all client records; active, prospects, billing and inactive, created in the date range selected. It will report the number of clients the code is attached to (# Times) and the percentage this codes makes up based upon all the codes reported in the time frame.   The totals section shows the number of clients added in the date range and the total percent will always be 100%.  

Clients created with no source code will be counted in the first group, N/C, meaning there is no source code on the record, but it was created within the time frame selected.

Remember this is the client source code, not an order source code.  Repeat clients will not be included unless they were actually created in the time period selected - and then they will only be counted once regardless of how many orders they have.