Step 1 - Download ServMan Updates


NOTE:  You can download the installation files BEFORE you have everyone exit ServMan. This will reduce the amount of time users are required to be out of the system.


 1.  Log into your Application Server as an administrator of the server

 2.  Right click on the ServMan icon and select Properties from the list

 3.  Backup the existing instance of ServMan in the event there is an issue with the update and you need to roll back to your previous release.

 4.  Log into ServMan as a user who has Admin rights in ServMan

 5.  Select Utilities > Online Updates > ServMan Application Update





 6.  Click Step 1: Download ServMan Updates


 7.  Verify settings in the top section - “1) Specify Download Settings”

 8.  Do not click the Download Beta checkbox.  

 9.  Click the Test Connectivity button

10.  Click the button in the bottom section - "2) Click here to start the update/download"


11.  Click Yes

12.  When the download has completed you should see that 3 files were downloaded


13.  Use the red X in the upper right hand corner to close the window

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