Handling use tax

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Use tax is generally applicable when an invoice includes material and the material is not priced separately from the labor. Unlike sales tax, which is charged to and paid by the customer, use tax is paid by the seller. One of the biggest differences between sales tax and use tax is that use tax is calculated against the material cost and not the sell price.  

Within ServMan, the main difference between the software calculating Sales or Use tax is whether the item has a Sales Price on the invoice or not.  


Jobs also have a use tax applies option; when enabled the use tax applies option is enabled by default for all orders and invoices associated with the job


Note: The “Batch Bills” program allows entry of AP bills without specifying an item number.  As such, AP bills that are entered through the “Batch Bills” program are flagged to be excluded from the Use Tax report.

Setup tax codes

If the use tax rate differs from the sales tax rate, you will need to add new tax code. See tax codes for additional information.

Do not check the Apply Use Tax check box on the Tax Code Setup screen.  That Apply Use Tax check box (on the Tax Code Setup screen) is a legacy field and is NOT being used.  

Use Tax Process

Use tax due is a company’s tax liability on any material purchased then consumed internally, or delivered/installed for a customer,where sales tax is not paid at the time of purchase, and sales tax is not assessed at the time of resale

Important points to consider:

SPECIAL NOTE:  All material consumed for internal use must be listed on an internal work order and posted to COGS or invoiced internally at zero sell price for use tax to be calculated properly.

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Rules governing use tax application

The following rules apply to use tax application:


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Use tax report

At any time, you can run the "Use Tax Report" to see the applicable use tax for your updated invoices.

  1. Select Reports > Sales.
  2. Enter the From and Thru Invoice Post Dates
  3. Enter additional reporting options as desired
  4. Click Print.


See Also:  Tax Codes

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