Enter an itemized bill
- Click "Enter Bill/Receive PO" on the Accounts Payable Navigator
- Enter or select the vendor ID number. If the vendor has any default settings ServMan will automatically populate those where applicable
- If you are receiving goods from a PO, select the PO number from the "Receipt From PO#" dropdown to prefill all information
- Select the department if not prefilled
- Enter the job number the invoice is for, if applicable. You can override the job on the detail lines as needed
- Enter the carrier (shipper), if applicable
- Enter the warehouse where the items were received. This is required for stock items and the items will increase the stock quantity in that warehouse
- The default action is to "00 - Purchase to warehouse"
- If you have had the items shipped directly to the job site, change the dropdown to "01-Direct to Job or Order"
- Enter the invoice number or check the "Waiting on bill from vendor" checkbox to enter it later
- If you did not select a PO number, detail the bill by adding the individual items and quantities received
- Enter or edit the price as needed
- ServMan automatically calculates the tax based on the tax codes set for the vendor and tax status of individual items
- If you need to edit the amount, check the box to the left of the Sales Tax field to change the tax amount
- Enter any freight charges
- If you are withholding retainage on this bill, check the box and enter the percent withheld. Click HERE for more information about AP Retainage
- Click Save

Video Tutorial - Entering Bills
To watch a tutorial on how to enter AP Bills, click HERE.