Enter an itemized bill

  1. Click "Enter Bill/Receive PO" on the Accounts Payable Navigator
  2. Enter or select the vendor ID number. If the vendor has any default settings ServMan will automatically populate those where applicable
  3. If you are receiving goods from a PO, select the PO number from the "Receipt From PO#" dropdown to prefill all information
  4. Select the department if not prefilled
  5. Enter the job number the invoice is for, if applicable. You can override the job on the detail lines as needed
  6. Enter the carrier (shipper), if applicable
  7. Enter the warehouse where the items were received. This is required for stock items and the items will increase the stock quantity in that warehouse
  8. The default action is to "00 - Purchase to warehouse"  
  9. Enter the invoice number or check the "Waiting on bill from vendor" checkbox to enter it later
  10. If you did not select a PO number, detail the bill by adding the individual items and quantities received
  11. Enter or edit the price as needed
  12. ServMan automatically calculates the tax based on the tax codes set for the vendor and tax status of individual items
  13. Enter any freight charges
  14. If you are withholding retainage on this bill, check the box and enter the percent withheld.  Click HERE for more information about AP Retainage
  15. Click Save


Video Tutorial - Entering Bills

To watch a tutorial on how to enter AP Bills, click HERE.