Web Service Modifications

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- Added support for Android Shopping Cart banners to link to specific website.

- Integral support for BETA testing of Payzer gateway.

- Modified internal credit card storage classes to support tracking the RECNO added.


- Updated additional code in low level SQL query access class to use VARCHARs instead of NVARCHARs when performing select queries.

- Added additional debug logging.

- Added standard SMSP_mobile_post_order_update procedure to allow for core data updates after orders are sync.


- Systems added on Mobile will now set added_by, date_add, time_add fields


- Added support to enable Android Shopping Cart features


- BluePay gateway charges for more than 999.99 will now properly process.


- Recent upgrade of nSoftware library forced a default setting to allow partial authorizations. Prior versions of this library did not default this value on. This setting has been hard wired to off.


- Fixes issue where tasks with the same task ID were not able to be added to an order and data was overwritten.


- Added two new functions to support Android Sales Cart View features.

- Value of ORDDET.COM_CODE will now get set from ITEM.COM_CODE for ORDDET rows added in the field.


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