Select the day you wish to log time to, by clicking the day in the Current Week view.
Click the New Time Entry button to log time.
Once pressed, the system will allow the user to select three different time logging methods as well as the ability to log expenses.
The employee enters the Work Order Number, Labor Type (labor item), Time In and Time Out as well as a description of the work performed.
If your shop does not use time in and time out, the user can instead click the Total button and enter his time as a Quantity.
The order logging screen performs the following validation:
Verifies the order exists
Verifies that the employee is scheduled to the order (Optional)
Verifies that the employee is scheduled to the order on that day (Optional)
(Future) Notifies the user that are not scheduled, but will still allow entry
Checks for overlaps in time entry
The following screen shot shows the Daily Overview screen with Order Labor entered.
Logging time to Jobs is similar to logging time against orders.
The employee enters the Job number, Labor Type (labor item code), Time In and Time out as well as a description of the work performed.
If you shop does not use Time In and Time Out, the user can instead click the Total button and enter his time as a Quantity.
ServMan also allows the entry of labor directly against a Department without a job or a contract. By default the system will select the employee's HOME department as set in the Employee file
ServMan also has the ability to allow expense logging to work orders. The Portal will allow the logging of standard expenses (Gas, Tools, etc.) and will also calculate vehicle milage.
Any item that the employee will use to log expenses should be set as an Expense item with a Primary category of EMPEXP as shown in the screen shot below.
If this category does not exist, it must be created. Click HERE to lean how.