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Sales Rep Closing report - Will show leads (quotes) lost, added and closed in the date range as well as jobs closed in the date range (Version 2016-01-14)
Technician Location Audit report - Will show the location of your techs based off of Mobile Status Flips - the Exception Distance is calculated from the Geo Coded Client Location and the Mobile User Location (Version 2016-01-14)
Payments Received by Technician report - Will show payments that technicians received within the date range (Version 2015-07-09)
Added the ability to run the report by Sales Rep or Project Mgr (Preferred Tech)
Added primary Grouping option on project manager
Added detail Level of Transaction
Added ability to page break between jobs
Added columns for Estimated Hours, Actual Hours and Hours Variance
Added columns for Actual Expense, Actual Burden, Total Expense and Expense Variance
Updated so that if you have a callback on the job estimates tab, it will show up in the callback section
Original Contract - All revenue from Converted Quotes AND the Estimate tab NOT flagged as change orders
Does NOT look at the Contract Amount field
If AIA job, Estimated revenue is ONLY taken from the Estimate tab STATEMENT OF BILLINGS. Revenue on converted quotes is ignored
Change Orders - AS above only for all items Flagged as Change orders
Total Contract - Original Contract + Change Orders
Invoiced To Date - Actual Invoiced amount on job
Invoiced To Date % - Percent of Invoiced to Date compared to Total Contract
Remaining to Invoice - Invoiced to Date - Total Contract
Total Est Cost - Estimated Expenses from converted quotes AND estimate tab
Cost to Date - Actual Cost + Actual Burden
Cost to Date % - Percent of Cost to Date to Total Est Cost
Over/Under Budget - Cost to Date + Total Est Cost to show Negative value when UNDER Budget
Revenue to Date - Revenue based on GL Transaction Income accounts with this Job ID. NOT Invoiced to date
Estimated Profit - Total Contract - Total Est Cost
Profit to date - Revenue to Date - Cost to Date
Profit to date % - Percent of (Revenue to Date - Cost to Date) / Revenue to Date
Profit Variance - Profit to date - Estimated Profit
Profit Variance % - Percent of (Profit to date - Estimated Profit) / Estimated Profit
Over/Under - Revenue to Date - (Total Contract * Cost to Date %)
Over/Under % - Percent of (Revenue to Date - (Total Contract * Cost to Date %)) / (Total Contract * Cost to Date %)
Deferred Revenue Bal. - All deferred revenue