Order Entry Reports

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Modifications to Existing Reports

Marketing Summary by Date - (Version 2016-03-08 13:05:00) - Modified ROI and % of Sales calculations so it will match the one in the report description.
Marketing Summary by Date - (Version 2016-03-08 13:05:00) - Added statement to where clause in the report procedure to filter out duplicate leads in Order query.
Marketing Summary by Date - (Version 2016-03-08 13:05:00) - Fixed Campaign Cost Totals in the report.

General Ledger - (Version 2016-06-02 09:54:50) - Added the Job ID to the report

Top Customers by Date - (Version 2016-05-26 11:03:22) - Added the ability to run for one or multiple Sales Reps.
Top Customers by Date - (Version 2016-05-26 11:03:22) - Added 3 levels of grouping options.

Use Tax Report - (Version 2016-04-06 12:37:15, Min Back Office Version: 5.00C.84) - Updated Use Tax report so it will report on items posted to COGS as well.

Income Statement 12 Month Extended - (Version 2016-03-08 13:37:12) - Updated the report so it would run by fiscal year start not always January.

Inventory Valuation Report - (2015-11-06 14:09:40) - Added the items manufacture to the report.

Job Ledgers - (Version 2015-03-19 14:42:39) - Added Drill down capabilities on the GL transaction reference


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