Web Portal
The following document provides an overview of the Servman web portal functionality and describes base web portal functionality. Custom options and functionality are not documented.
1.1. Account Creation
User can create accounts in one of two ways in the Web portal.
1.1.1. Automated Registration
The automated method to create a web portal account allows the user to self-register online. Once the user selects the account creation link, the system will display the following screen. The user enters their email address and phone number. The phone number can be entered in any format (xxx-xxx-xxxx, (xxx) xxx-xxxx, xxxxxxxxxx, etc.) and it will still be found in your database.
NOTE: This does not create a customer record. It only allows an existing customer contact to gain access to the web portal. The customer contact email address is the field used to match to an existing client record. If there is no email address entered into ServMan, there will be no client match. There is no option to enter and save it into ServMan during this registration process.
The user enters their preferred username and password
The user will then receive the following email.
NOTE: Email can be formatted with HTML to match you current company website. The text body can also be formatted to your companies needs
NOTE: Your company does not need to confirm any client registration. Your customer must confirm their own registration by clicking the "Confirm your email" link in the email they receive after registration.
The user then clicks the confirmation link in the email. Once the link is pressed the user's login is verified and they can access the website.
1.1.2. Manual Registration
There is also a manual registration process available. Similar to the automated registration, the system will ask for contact information. Instead of an automated confirmation email, an email will be sent to a Servman back office user. The back office user then activates the login.
The user is activated using the “Manage Client Web Users” procedure which can be found under Tasks->System Procedures->Client Web Portal->Manage Client Web Users
Clicking the “Activate” checkbox will allow the user to access the web portal.
NOTE: The manual registration process is currently in Beta
Order History
Upon Login to the web portal, the user by default will be taken to the Service History screen. On this screen the user can view open and historical orders. The user can search for orders by Status and by date range.
Invoice History
The invoice history screen allows the user to view invoice history.
3.1. Invoice Detail
The following screen shows the invoice details that will be presented to the user.
The Service Agreements screen shows an overview of any service agreements. The user can view remaining visits, expected next visit, coverage type and covered equipment. This screen will only be available for users using the Servman PM Module.
Account Maintenance
The “My Account” tab allows the user to manage contacts, change password and Make Open Payments.
5.1. Contacts
The user can have one or more contacts on an account. The user can edit existing contacts or add additional contacts.
Clicking the “Edit” button displays the following screen that allows the user to edit a contact
Adding a new contact shows a similar screen with the exception that the contact fields are empty and allow the user to add a new contact.
5.2. Open Payments
The Open Payment screen is an optional screen that allows the user to create an Open Payment on an account which can later be applied to invoices posted to that customer's account.
5.3. Password Reset
Users registered on the account can use the following screen to reset their password.
New Service Request
The “New Service Request” option allows users to book service requests. This is an optional module that can be turned off if online order creation is not required
NOTE: This module will only work if using the Servman RPM scheduling module.
6.1. Scheduling New Order
Once the user clicks the “New Service Request,” they will be presented with the following screen. The user can enter a brief description of their problems and select the issue that best describes their problem. The user can also optionally select the piece of equipment that is causing their problem if it is known.
After hitting the next button, the user will be presented with the following screen where they can select the date and time that they wish to schedule service. The user can also skip ahead a week to see schedule dates in the future. The same screen can also be accessed from the Service History list by selecting the “Reschedule” button.
Once the user selects a scheduled time, they will receive the following message confirming their selection.
Modify Existing Orders
The Service History screen allows the user to search for past orders. It also gives the user the ability to Pay, Reschedule or Cancel an order.
7.1. Pay an Order
When the user selects the “Pay” option, the following screen appears allowing the user to enter their credit card information and pay the order. It is important that the user enter the Billing Address for the credit card, otherwise credit card address verification may fail and the payment will not be processed.
NOTE: Online credit card payments is an optional feature
7.2. Reschedule
The reschedule screen allows the user to reschedule the currently selected order. If using the RPM Module, the user will be presented the following screen allowing them to reschedule their order. If you do not wish for the user to be able to reschedule an order online, this option can be turned off in which case the user will simply see a message that tells them to contact the office.
7.3. Cancel
When a user selects the Cancel Order option, they will see the following screen. This screen gives the user the ability to cancel the scheduled entry or to cancel the order entirely.
If the user chooses to cancel the appointment and reschedule for a later date, they will receive the following message. If the user chooses “Yes” then the order will remain an open order in your system that can be schedule at a later time.
If the user chooses to cancel the order, they will be prompted for a reason why they are cancelling [as shown below].
Note: canceled orders will be cancelled in the back office and cancelled orders do not show on the website.
Web Configuration
8.1. Service Window Description
The service window descriptions used by back office users may not translate well to the web. The user is activated using the Client Web Users Procedure which can be found under Tasks->System Procedures->Client Web Portal->Client Web Portal Settings. By default the system displays the start and end time of each service window but an optional web description can be added to the service windows to display a more web friendly description as shown below, highlighted in red.
Simply enter the Web description in the “WebDesc” column and the new web description will appear on the website.
8.2. Web Request Types
When creating a new service request, the system allows the user to select the problem that closest matches their current issue. The "problems" are configured in the back office in the procedure Tasks->System Procedures->Client Web Portal->Web Categories and Tasks->System Procedures->Client Web Portal->Web Problems
You must enter at least one web category. These categories are usually based on a line of work such as HVAC, Plumbing or Electrical.
Hit the “New Category” button and enter in a category description
Next choose the Web Setup procedure and enter in the following information:.
Description - This is the description that the users see in the drop down list of problems
Category - One of the categories selected above
Work Type - This should correspond to the work type that would be selected by a back
office user if booking the same type of order
Priority - This corresponds to the priority on the work order and should be selected as if
the order were being booked by a back office user
Department (No Branch) - If using braches, this would be the default department where the
order should be booked if the customer does not have a branch.
Departments per Branch - Assign the correct department for each branch that corresponds to
the type of order.