Time Logging Portal

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ServMan's Employee Time Portal is a web-based time card system for your employees.  It allows employees to log their time using a web-based time sheet which is accessible from anywhere an internet connection is available.  The time sheet can be accessed through laptops, tablets, smart phones and all other internet capable devices, regardless of the operating system and is security-enabled.  

The employee can log time to specific labor items, departments, orders and jobs through the interface which will, in turn, populate your ServMan database.  Conversely, all time that is logged into ServMan using other methods will also be available on this web-based time sheet.  This provides a full accounting of employee time utilization for management review and approval - eliminating the need for paper-based time sheets.  


Create Employee Logins

Employees are granted access to the time portal through the Manage Employee Web Users Procedure.

Click on Tasks in the main Servman Menu Bar, then System Procedures->Employee Web Portal->Manage Employee Web Users

NOTE: Access to this procedure can be maintained using the standard Servman Security procedure in the User file

Double Click on the procedure and the grid will auto-fill with all current employees from your employee file.

Assign a User Name, Password, and check the Active checkbox to give that employee access to the time portal. 

You can remove access at any time by unchecking the Active checkbox.


Grant Additional Privileges

The time portal has advanced user features that allow Supervisors to approve the time logged for their employees or Crew Leaders to actually log time in for their crew.  These advanced privileges are assigned using the skill sets feature found in the  employee file.


Click on Master Files on the main Servman Menu Bar, then Miscellaneous->Employees File. 

Double click the employee you wish to make a supervisor.

Click on the next blank row in the skill sets grid as shown below. 

Choose the skill set “SPVSR”

Double click the SPVSR skill set to add it to the employee's skill set grid.  

If the "SPVSR" skill set does not exist, click the New Code button to add it.  

NOTE:  The code must be entered as SPVSR.  The description can be labeled as you wish.


Crew Lead

Servman also supports the ability for employees to be setup as Crew Leaders to grant an employee the ability to log time for themselves as well as other crew members.

Similar to the supervisor position, Servman also has a special skill set for Crew leaders. Any employee that is a Crew leader must have the “CREWLEAD” skill set assigned to their employee file.  If this “CREWLEAD” skill set does not exist, you will need to add it.



The login to the ServMan Time portal is assigned by your system administrator.  Please contact your system administrator to get your login credentials.

Logging Time

Once logged into the Time Portal, the Current Week overview will appear (Screen Shot 1).  This screens list the days in the current week down the left hand side and the time logged totals for each day in the main part of the screen.  The time log totals break down will be on the right, with labor broken out by labor type/code.  The following screen shows the Current Week view without any time logged.

Screen Shot 1

The screen below (Screen Shot 2) shows what the current week view looks like with time actually logged.  The area highlighted in Red is labor logged by an employee.  The area highlighted in Green shows Expenses logged by the employee.

Screen Shot 2


Select a Date

Select the day you wish to log time to by simply clicking on the date on the left side of the screen.

The Day Overview screen will appear.


Create a New Time Entry

The system will allow the user to select from three different time logging methods; logging time to orders, jobs or departments as well as the ability to log expenses.  


Click the New Time Entry button to log time.

Logging Time to Orders

Logging time to orders is the most popular method.  The employee enters the work order number, Labor Type (Labor Item), Time In and Time Out as well as a description of work performed.  If your shop does not use time in and time out, the user can click the Total button and enter a QTY of time for the day instead.

The Order logging screen performs the following validation:

·          Verifies the order exists

·          Verifies that the employee is scheduled to the order (Optional)

·          Verifies that the employee is scheduled to the order on that day (Optional)

·          (Future) The system notify the user they are not scheduled but still allow the entry


The following shows the daily overview screen with Order Labor entered:

Logging Time to Jobs

Logging time to jobs is similar to logging time against orders. The employee enters the Job number, Labor Type (Labor Item), Time In and Time Out as well as a description of work performed.  If your shop does not use time in and time out the user can instead click the Total button and put in a QTY.  

The Order logging screen performs the following validation:

·          Verifies the Job exists


The following shows the daily overview with the Job Time Added:

Logging Time to Departments

Servman also allows the entry of labor directly against a Department without a job or a contract. By default the system will select the employees’ home department that exists in the employee file. 


Option:  Department logging can be set to limit the employee to see only their home department

Logging Expenses

Servman also has the ability to allow logging expenses to work orders.  The Portal will allow the logging of standard expenses (Gas, Tools etc.) and will calculate vehicle mileage.

Any item that the employee will use to log expenses should be set as an Expense item in the ServMan back office Item file.

The item must also be in a Primary Category of EMPEXP as shown in the screen shot below.  If this category does not exist it must be created.


NOTE: ALL Expenses must be logged against a work order

Standard Expenses

Logging standard expenses is similar to logging time.  The user selects the correct expense type, the quantity, the cost, as well as a brief description of the expense.  The expense item will show up on the work order just the same as labor items.

Vehicle Mileage

Mileage expenses are added the same as any other expense.  The item used, however, must have an item number of MILEAGE.  The user enters the number of miles in the QTY field.  The system will automatically calculate the total cost, based on the cost of the item as set on the item in the back office.

The unit cost is set using the cost field on the item.

Viewing and Editing Time and Expenses

The following screen shows a complete days’ worth of time log:


Editing Labor Entries

From the daily overview, you directly change the labor type/ item number using the drop down list.

Editing Time

Edit the Time In or Time Out by clicking on the appropriate time button

Long Post - Pencil Button

You may also click the pencil button to see the complete time entry.

Delete Time or Expense Items


Crew Time Logging

Crew Time logging works similarly to standard time logging. 

If an employee has the CREWLEAD skill set, then the user will have a new button at the top of the screen labeled Team Time Logging. 

When selected, the Crew Lead will see their crew along the left side of the new screen.

To enter time for the whole crew, the Lead presses the New Team Time Entry button.

The standard time logging screen will appear with the addition of an employee list where the employee can make multiple selections.  These selections will remain "sticky” and remembered from session to session.

The system will also perform the same error trapping/validation as it does when a single employee is entered.


Servman also supports the use of Teams.  Employees can be assigned to Teams as shown below.  If an employee belongs to a team, then when logging time, the team members will appear at the top of the Team Lead’s employee list.  Otherwise all employees will show in the Team Lead’s home department.

Confirming Time Entries

The user can confirm their time entries one of two ways.  The employee is simply confirming that the time/expense log is correct or complete.

Option 1

On the Current Week Overview, the employee can check the Confirm checkbox as shown below

When they check the checkbox a message box will appear asking them to confirm their choice.  Once confirmed, the employee is not able to make any changes to that day’s time log.

Option 2

The user selects a date from the left hand menu.  This will take the user to the day overview screen where the user simply checks the Date Confirmed checkbox.  The user will then receive a message box to confirm their choice.

Approving Time

When a supervisor logs into the system, they see a screen that shows a summary of time logs for all employees.  The screen can optionally be filtered by groups.

When the supervisor selects an employee, they are taken to the employee weekly overview screen as shown below.

The manger must review the detail before they can approve the entry.  This is done by clicking on a particular day which will take you to the employee daily over view. The supervisor then clicks on the Approved check box in the lower right portion of the time entry area.

Note: Currently the supervisor can add, edit, delete and approve time entries for any other employee.


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