Available reports for PM Agreements are:
This report actually prints (or reprints) the renewal bills (mock invoices ) for your contracts. To learn how to produce the renewal invoices, click HERE.
Once the renewal file has been generated, the mock invoices are ready to be sent. If you did not choose to print the Renewal orders when they were generated, or if you need to reprint one or a group of renewals, you may do so from this screen.
To receive a list of visit orders that will be generated in a future month, run the PM - Service Due report. This will help with forecasting the number of technicians needed for specific months of the year. The report is run for one month at a time and will show you, by Branch and Department, the number of time slots your agreements will consume if they are all done in that month.
To print labels, on Avery 5160 label sheets, for letters or postcards reminding people to call and schedule their visit, use the PM Visit Labels 5160 report. You can choose the order date range of visit orders you want to print.
The PM Audit Summary report was built to give you information on all of your active PM contracts. It provides PM statistics on a Company wide, Departmental and Job Group basis.
***PLEASE NOTE:*** If you have a great many contracts, this report will take a while to run. It looks at every single contract in your database, then produces the report based upon your selection criteria.
We recommend you run this report before you go to lunch for smaller companies or right before you leave in the evening for companies with many contracts so it will not tie up your computer. The report must have time to run and compile all the data from all your contracts, then produce the report.
Select a Department and/or Job Group to run the report for or leave both set to ALL to run the report for all PM agreements
You have the ability to run the report for a single client account as well.
Choose an Activity Date range that you want the statistics for. This date range will control the data that will be shown in the PMs Added, Cancelled, Expiring and Renewed sections of the report.
The option section allows you to choose the level of detail you want to appear on the report.
The report is set up with sections of detailed data that then provide summary information. I ran the report below with Print Summary Information Only checked.
The first section is the information on Active Contracts that are NOT Expiring, Renewed or Cancelled (as they reside in their own sections).
The summary view shows the contract Count, Amount, Renewal Amount and Deferred Balance for every Department and Job Group.
Totals by Job Group are underlined with a thick grey line. Totals by department are underlined with a thick black line.
Other sections will give you the same information as above on; Contracts that were Added during the time period selected, Canceled during the time period selected, Contracts that have Renewed during the time period selected, Contracts Added then Canceled in the same month, Contracts that are Expiring as well as Expired Contracts that have Not Been Canceled. There is also a section that will give you information about Active Contracts that are Cancelled or Completed in the future, and those that do not fit into any other category can be found in the Needs Review section.
The final page will always contain a summary of ALL contracts based upon the time period selected with an explanation of the calculation used to return that number.
Based upon the selection criteria you select, different information about the contracts can be shown. For example, if you would like your outbound callers to contact clients with contracts up for renewal next month to up-sell them to add additional equipment to their contract, you would choose to "Print PMs Expiring This Period" (and select next month as the period) and check the Display All System Detail so your caller will know which pieces of equipment are currently covered and which pieces the client has that are not yet covered.
For the example below, I have selected the options to Print ALL Contracts, and Display ALL System Detail. This will give you a good idea of the depth of information covered in this report.
The 2 job examples displayed below are both in the Plumbing Service Partner Plan department with the Job Group of Service Partner Plan Gold.
Job 100015 has 1 system covered. The contract began on 5/15/2014 and never ends (12/31/9999). Notice the "NO ACTIVE RECURRING BILLING" in the gray area? This tells you there is no recurring invoice set up and a renewal bill will be generated each year. This contract has 3 visits remaining and 1 visit that has not been generated. There is no Next Generation date so this contract should be reviewed to make sure there is a date for the next visit to be generated. The Contract amount and the Renewal amount are the same and the whole amount is still in Deferred. This will tell you that you have not yet run your process to realize deferred income (found on the Contract Management Navigator).
Below the recurring invoice information, all the systems attached to the client record will be listed. Note that the first record has not been assigned a system type or serial number and is not covered under this contract. The second system in the list is the heat pump, and will show the details of the coverage for that piece of equipment. A summary of all client systems is listed below with this client having 1 covered and 1 not covered system.
Job 100018 displays the same information as above but shows in red the fact that the system to be covered was not set up correctly and is missing its coverage type. This is easily corrected by adding that information in the job record. Note that the JOB GROUP of the job is the Gold plan, but the coverage on the system is not set.
Job 100003 does have recurring invoice information and has 5 systems covered under this contract and one is not. Note that at the end of each Job Group section (in the below case - Silver Service) subtotals are given by job group and grad totals are given by department. (Also note this test sample data and Heat Pumps normally would be not covered by the Plumbing Department.)
In the Details of Contracts Added section, you can easily verify that whomever is currently creating your contracts is doing it correctly. By running the report to show only Added Contracts, you can easily see that everything has been set up correctly as in the example below.
In the Detail of Expired Contracts that have Not Been Canceled section of the report, you will see the status of both covered systems is Expired. Also note that different coverage types may be used on different pieces of equipment all on the same contract. In the below example the Air Handler is covered under a Gold plan while the Boiler is under Silver.