Mail Campaign Manager

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Selecting Mail Campaign Recipients using the "Client" campaign

Selecting Mail Campaign Recipients using the "Client-Advanced" campaign

Send Email from within the Mail Campaign Manager

ServMan Mail Campaign Module


The ServMan Mail Campaign Module is an add-on to the ServMan Software that is designed to allow you to easily create and send Email Marketing Messages using your SMTP server. It also has the ability to export the resulting client information as a .csv file so that it can be sent to an outside vendor if desired.  Once installed, the Mail Campaign Module is located in system procedures accessible by selecting Task -> System Procedures -> Mail Campaign -> Mail Campaign Manager.

Mail Campaign Manager

The Mail Campaign manager serves as the starting point for mail campaigns. Each Mail Campaign will allow you to select Clients to receive your mailing based off of your selected criteria. Mail Campaign Groups are unlimited and can contain an unlimited number of campaigns within each group. Contact ServMan Support for a quote to build new campaigns and campaign groups specifically designed for your business.

Selecting Mail Campaign Recipients using the "Client" campaign

Select Task > System Procedures > Mail Campaign > Mail Campaign Manager

Double-click "Client" to open the Wizard

Press the “Build Results” button to pull all the Clients who meet your selection criteria

Press the Review tab to will see your results

Click the “Export Data” button

    Click Save and Yes on the Pop up

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Selecting Mail Campaign Recipients using the "Client-Advanced" campaign

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Select Task > System Procedures > Mail Campaign > Mail Campaign Manager  -  This wizard contains multiple tabs of selection criteria.  The "General" tab contains the Global Filters.  Your selections from the General tab will be used in conjunction with all of the other selection criteria  from the other tabs.  

Double-click "Clients - Advanced" to open the Wizard


Select your Global Filters

         Select a conditional filter (and date range if required) for the date the client was Added

         Select specific branch/s from the multi-select box - or Select All 

         Select specific client type/s from the multi-select box - or Select All 

    Select specific zone/s from the multi-select box - or Select All 

NOTE:  In the database, “blank” is considered a value.  Press the Select All button to ensure all records, including those with a blank in the field, are selected if no values are shown in the box. 


Click Next

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To select clients who DO NOT have an Active Contract

         Click the “Include records that do NOT have Active contracts” checkbox

         Click Next

To select clients who have an Active Contract

         Click the “Include records that have Active contracts” checkbox

         Click either the “Include records that have this type of contract” or “Include records that DO NOT have this type of contract” checkbox

         Select the type/s of contract you are filtering for in the Contract Type box - or Select All 

         Select the Contract Expires:  date information

         Click Next

To select clients based on System information

         Click the “Select Records Based on System information” checkbox

         Select either “Include records that have this type of system” or “Include records that DO NOT have this type of equipment”

         Select System Type/s - or Select All 

         Select Manufacturer or leave blank for all

To select based upon the age of the equipment

         Click the Age checkbox and enter the age range to select

To select based upon Purchased or Warranty ending date

         Click the appropriate check box and add the date information

         Click Next

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To select clients based on Systems Information

         Click the “Select Records Based on System information” checkbox

         Select either “Include records that have this type of system” or “Include records that DO NOT have this type of equipment”

         Select System Type/s - or Select All 

         Select Manufacturer or leave blank for all

To select based upon the age of the equipment

         Click the Age checkbox and enter the age range to select

To select based upon Purchased or Warranty ending date

         Click the appropriate check box and add the date information

         Click Next

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To select clients based on Service History

         Click the first “Select records based on service history” checkbox

         Select one of the 3 options:

         Select System Type/s - or Select All 

         Choose the date the service was entered into ServMan information

         Select a Lead Tech if desired

To add additional selection criteria

         Click the second “Select records based on service History” checkbox

   Selecting information in this second section will select all clients who meet the first set of criteria as well as everyone who meets the second set of criteria.


  Click Next

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To select clients based on Quote History

         Click the first “Select records based on quote history” checkbox

         Select Work type/s - or Select All 

         Choose the date the quote was entered into ServMan information

         Click Next

         Press Yes to build your results table

         Once you have built the results, the file is saved

         When you re-enter the program you will receive a notice asking if you want to continue with the existing file or start a new campaign

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To modify records in the grid

         Double click the field in the grid and enter the correct information

To delete records

         Select the record to be deleted, Right-click, and select Delete row

To export the results  as an Excel or Text file

         Press the Export Data button and Save the file

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Send Email from within the Mail Campaign Manager

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Install HTML Editor

Compose your email

To include mail merge fields from the selected records 

Find your ServMan Mail Campaigns folder

Preview your email prior to sending

Modify the email

Configure and Test SMTP Email Settings

Send a test Sample Email

Install HTML Editor

If you do not already have an HTML editor installed, request permission from your Network Administrator to download and install KompoZer, a free HTML editor. It can be found on this website:

Compose your email
   Open your HTML Editor
   Create and format the email document exactly how you want it to look in the email
To include mail merge fields from the selected records 

   Place the field name between <<   >>’s

<<Account Number >>

<<Account Name>>







PLEASE NOTE: These fields are case sensitive. Type them in exactly as shown above.

Find your ServMan Mail Campaigns folder

   Right click the ServMan icon on your desktop

   Click Properties


   Click the Find Target (or Open File Location) button

   Scroll to the top of the list and find the 01 folder


   Navigate to 01 > Mail Campaigns > Clients – Advanced

   Click inside the address bar (boxed in RED above) to get the exact location (highlighted in BLUE below) to save the template


   Leave this window open - You will use this location in the next step


Save your email

   In your HTML editor, click File > Save As

   Click in the address bar area of the Save As screen and paste your ServMan Mail Campaign's folder (from the above step) path

   Click the arrow in the address bar to take you to that location


   The “Save as type” will be Web Page (.htm)

   The file name must ALWAYS be:  Clients - Advanced.htm

   Press Save

   Return to the Mail Campaign Manager

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Preview your email prior to sending

   Click on a row in the grid and press "Preview Selected Row" to see the email as it will appear, including merged fields



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Modify the email

  Open your HTML editor

   Navigate to the Clients – Advanced folder on your server and open the file Clients – Advanced.htm

   Modify the contents of the email and press Save

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Configure and Test SMTP Email Settings

   Click the Send Tab

   Click the Email Settings button

   Enter your SMTP Server settings  - See your network administrator for this information

   Press Save


Click on the Send a test email checkbox

Enter your email address, subject and content for this test

Press Send Test button

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Send a test Sample Email

   Enter the name of the person you want the email to originate from

   Enter the email address you want the email to originate from

   Enter the Subject of the real email

   Select "Email" as your Destination

   Click the Enable Test Mode checkbox

   Enter the quantity of test emails you want to receive

   Enter your email address in the To Email: field

   Press Send Test Email(s) button


   When the SendMail notice appears, press ok  



To send the email to your clients

   Uncheck the Enable Test Mode checkbox

   Press Send Results button

   Press finish


 Tip: after sending the email, rename the .htm file for archiving and/or later use. 


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