Please find below a list of Order Status codes, how they are used, their purpose and the order in which to use them:
· Signifies a work order has been established and assigned to a technician. This is the normal status code an order will be in when it first appears on the technician’s device.
· This is the task code for the technician to select when he is on his way to his first call. This code doesn’t book travel time (since travel time isn’t paid on the first call), but is necessary for two reasons:
o 1: It shows dispatch that you’ve received the order, you are alive and are on your way.
o 2: It is the necessary first step in order to track the time you left for the call.
· You should perform a Status sync after setting this status.
· If you are On Call, please use the EnRoute status ONLY.
· Select this code to log your drive time for any call EXCEPT your first call. This “starts the clock,” so to speak. This is a necessary step for computing your travel time.
· You should perform a Status sync after setting this status.
· This step completes the computation of the EnRoute travel time and begins the clock for on-site time.
· You should perform a Status sync after setting this status.
· Use this status code 15 minutes before you expect to be finished with your call. This step does not affect your hours. It notifies Dispatch that you are about to be finished with your call and allows Dispatch to queue up another call for you, eliminating down time while waiting for your next call to be sent to you.
· You should perform a Status sync after setting this status.
· Dispatch: When the tech selects WrapUp, the call will change to a yellow color. Please select another call from RPM Capacity Schedule at this time.
· Selecting this status code completes your on-site time and logs your hours to this work order. You must select TechComplete for every call in order to be paid for that call.
· You may perform a Status or Standard sync after setting this status. A Status sync will update the order status for the dispatchers, but will not transmit any time or materials to the office at this time.
After you “TechComplete” please use one of the following statuses to release the order from your phone and receive your next order:
· This status code is selected by the last tech who works on a call after the work is finished. Select this code after you’ve selected TechComplete. This “Complete” status code does not log time, but is a way to communicate to the back office that all work is done and there’s nothing left to do on this work order for this customer.
· You should perform a Standard sync after setting this status.
· This status code is similar to “Complete” above, but is only used when the work order needs to stay open because other techs are still on-site, and you need to “release” the order from your device and retrieve your next order. This status code does not affect time logging.
· You should perform a Standard sync after setting this status.
· Select this status code after “TechComplete” if you need to order or pick-up materials for this work order and return another day to complete the repair. This status code will prompt dispatch to track the part(s) that we need to get and follow up with the customer when the part(s) is/are available. You would use PartNeeded status code instead of “Complete” status code – it accomplishes the same thing by communicating with the back-office about the status of the call.
· You should perform a Standard sync after setting this status.
· Select this status code if we need to go back on another day to finish up on a work order for reasons OTHER than we need to order parts. For example, use this status code if you are working on an install that you expected to complete today but need to come back another day because you ran out of time. This status code would be selected after “TechComplete” and will clear the work order from your mobile device.
· You should perform a Standard sync after setting this status.
· Dispatch: when a tech uses this status code, it will turn the call red. You have 3 options for rescheduling these FollowUpReq work orders.
Note: You do not need to Complete/Close these work orders – we can reuse them!
Here are the options:
1. If Dispatch knows which tech is going back out and when he is going back out, simply go to the Schedule tab of this work order and add the new information onto the next available line of the schedule grid.
2. If Dispatch doesn’t know who is going to go back out, the order can be placed into RPM Capacity Scheduling (click the Menu button on the order, select Capacity AutoSchedule and choose the time slot appropriate). Please be sure to change the status from FollowUpReq to Open.
3. If we have no idea when we are going back or who will be going (i.e. PartNeeded status is a perfect example of this – we are not sure when the part will be in, so we can’t say when the schedule will allow for this call), on the Schedule Tab of the work order, click on the drop down at Specific Dates, select Unscheduled and click NO when it asks Do you want to clear scheduled entries?”. Leave the status as PartNeeded.
Tech A – leaves first: Tech B – leaves last:
EnRoute (or FRSTCALL) EnRoute (or FRSTCALL)
OnSite OnSite
WrapUp WrapUp
TechComplete TechComplete
TechRelease Complete
EnRoute (or FRSTCALL)
Office: if there was NO $$ COLLECTED on this work order, we can re-use it! See notes above for 3 options on getting it back on the schedule.
EnRoute (or FRSTCALL)
PartNeeded OR FollowUpReq – based on whether parts are needed to be ordered, more time is necessary, or an apprentice is needed to complete the job.
EnRoute (or FRSTCALL)
FollowUpReq or TechRelease
· Only the last tech to leave the job (or only tech on the job) selects FollowUpReq.
· Any other techs that leave the job before the “last man standing” leaves the job selects TechRelease.
· Dispatch: Reschedule order for another day with the Tech/Client.