Working with notes
A note is used to record information related to an client, job, order, quote, invoice, and system. This information can be for internal use or included on certain printed documents.
Where can I view notes?
Notes can be associated with a specific client, job, order, quote, invoice, and system. They are accessible by selecting the Notes tab on each of these screens.
You can also find notes through a Notes SmartView found under Master Files -> Notes.

The Notes SmartView works just like our other SmartViews. You select the Note Type you are looking for, then whatever selection criteria you choose.

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Add a note
A note can be associated with a client, job, order, quote, invoice, and system.
For a client
- Open the client's account.
- Select the Notes tab.
- Click Add.
- Enter the requested information.
- Click OK.
For a job
- Open the job record.
- Select the Notes tab.
- Click New.
- Enter the requested information.
- Click OK.
For a order, quote, or invoice
- Open the order, quote, or invoice.
- Select the Notes tab.
- Click Add.
- Enter the requested information.
- Click OK.
For a system
- Open the system.
- Select the Notes tab.
- Click Add.
- Enter the requested information.
- Click OK.
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Set an alarm on a note
- Open the note.
- Check the Alarm check box.
- Enter the date, time, and user. Alarms are set to users rather than employees because they are displayed when the user is logged in to the application.
- Click OK.
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Make a note a To-Do
- Add a note or open an existing note.
- Select the user. The To-Do will appear in the user's To-Do list.
- Check the Add to To-Do List check box.
- Set a priority.
- Click OK.
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Edit a note
- Open the note.
- Update the information as needed.
- Click OK.
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Delete a note
- Locate the note.
- Select the note.
- Click Delete.
- Click Yes.
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Note options and field definitions
When setting up a note, you have the following options:

- Parent ID: identified the account, job, order, quote, invoice, or system number the note is linked to - this field cannot be edited by the user
- Activity: lets you select pre-defined note types that link related notes
- Contact: the name of the contact at the company whom the responsible employee(s) should contact if they have questions
- Phone: telephone for the contact above
- User: user ID of person for whom the alarm is set - this defaults to the user who entered the note, even if no alarm is set
- Date: indicates the date the note was entered
- Time: indicates the time the note was entered
- Alarm: indicates an alarm is active; when checked, exposes the time and date fields
- Alarm date: indicate the date the alarm will occur
- Alarm time: indicates the time the alarm will occur
- Add to To-Do list: indicates if a To-Do should also be created; when checked, exposed the To-Do priority field
- Print On Orders: indicates if the note should print on orders - note your specific print formats must support print notes for this option to work; contact ServMan Support at 704-821-4141 option 2 if you need to a print format that support notes
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