Warranty Management

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Managing warranties for the items you sell can be a time consuming and complex task.  When working on a client's equipment, quick access to the warranty information is critical.  Often organizations offer third party warranty programs or optional extended warranties where the revenue is deferred from income and recognized over the life of the coverage.   The software provides a solution to all of these issues by allowing you to create warranty codes that can be assigned to the items you sell for standard coverage and then providing the ability to create and manage additional warranty agreements with the ability to defer and recognize income automatically.   Like PM agreements, ServMan uses a Job record to manage these extended agreements allowing you to monitor and report the life time cost of the agreement by using standard job cost reporting.  

Create your warranty codes; then assign those codes to the items you sell.  For information on how to do this, click HERE.  You can then check the "update to client systems database" on the item master to automatically create systems records for the client location where the equipment was installed.  The information for the warranty is automatically written to the clients system record for easy access and review.  As a final step, you must run the Warranty Wizard to create the contracts.    

Warranty Programs

To set up your Warranty Programs, you must first have a Warranty Reserve GL account for each trade.  This account must be resolved both directly and when masked.  

Set up Warranty Reserve GL Accounts

Create Warranty Job Groups

Master Files -> Miscellaneous -> Job Group Codes

Important Note:  Currently,  the Job Group Settings displayed below ARE NOT USED IN THE WARRANTY WIZARD PROCESS, however we DO recommend you set the GL Accounts to match the desired amortization settings set on your Warranty codes. However, ff you need to adjust an Amortization Schedule, the codes in the Job Group will be used.  You want to make sure both the Job Group and the Warranty code use the same GL account numbers.  - This behavior will be modified, and HELP will be update, when this is change released.  

More learn more about Job Groups, click HERE.

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Create Warranty Codes

Warranty Codes are accessed under Modules->Inventory->Warranty Programs or from the Inventory Navigator at the bottom center.   

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Amortization Tab - Setting Program Deferred Revenue Defaults

Each Warranty Code, (Program) could have its own GL accounts for managing the deferred revenue.  Set the Deferred Revenue account you want to route the deferred revenue to for this warranty program.  Note, you can use a masked GL code in these fields.  This allows you to route the income to different GL codes based on the Department or Branch that sold it.

Similarly, enter the Income account you will debit when creating your warranty reserve.  (The user will be prompted for an amount of money to defer, this amount will be debited from the income account and then credited to the reserve account.)  An amortization schedule will then be created on the longer of the Parts\Labor durations to manage the realization of the income.   Note - the income account also supports GL Masking.


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Creating a Standard Warranty (Manufacturers Warranty)


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Using the Warranty Contract Wizard

The software provides a Warranty Contract Wizard to simplify the creation of extended warranty agreements for your clients.   

The Warranty Contract will be set up as follows:


Select the systems covered


Verify Amortization Schedule

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Recognizing Warranty Deferred Revenue

When you create your warranty agreements, amortization schedules are created for each.  


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Viewing the Warranty Agreement

Warranty Agreements are stored as Job Records and can be located either from the clients Jobs/Contract tab or by using the Job SmartView.  

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Viewing Extended Warranty Information From a System Record

From the client Systems tab you will notice the following:


Creating a Warranty Contract from WIP Reconciliation screen


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