Item Right Click Options
Item Right Click Options
ServMan provides you with easy access to a number of different options through a right-click on an item number.

With proper permissions, options will appear and allow you to perform the tasks as listed below
- Add - allows you to add a new item
- Edit - opens the current item and allows you to view and edit it as necessary
- Delete - allows you to delete an item under certain circumstances. It is not advisable to delete an item that has any history, rather Edit the item and mark it as inactive.
- Refresh - refreshes the item grid
- Save Column Sizes - If you have the proper security rights, you can make adjustments to the column sizes directly from the SmartView grid and save them for everyone who uses the same security template as you or for everyone in the company
- Save Results... - allows you to export everything found in the grid to a .CSV format
- Add Copy - allows you to copy all the settings, GL Codes, primary and sub categories, etc. from an existing item to a new item. Simply give the new item a new item number then make any description or other changes pertinent to the new item and save.
- Invoice History... Selecting Invoice History takes you to a new screen that will give order and invoice information from the date selected. Right clicking in this grid allows you to go directly to the invoice or client record for further research

- Manage Images - Selecting this option takes you directly to the ServMan Image Viewer

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