
This exercise illustrates how add a client account, contacts, and multiple locations (sites).

Create residential client with multiple contacts

In this lab you will create a residential client with multiple contacts and set the payment terms and credit limit.  You will then change the billing address to a P.O. box.

  1. Click on New Client from the Sales Navigator.
  2. Enter yourself as a new residential client.  Be sure to check the “Is Residential” check box before entering the company field with your name.
  3. Make sure you are the primary contact.  Add another person as a contact on the account.
  4. Set the payment terms and credit limit on the Misc tab.
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. Open the Client SmartView and look at the available methods of searching for a client.
  7. Find your client record and bring it up on the screen.
  8. Change your billing address to P.O. Box 1234 by clicking on the Location/Billing drop down list.
  9. Click Save and Close.


Create a commercial account with multiple locations

In this lab you will create a commercial account that has multiple location accounts.  Each location account will use the main account for their billing responsibility.

  1. Enter two new commercial clients.  For the company names use your first name followed by “& Company” and your last name followed by “& Company”.  For example, if your name is Joe Smith then you will create Joe & Company and Smith & Company.
  2. Enter two contacts for Smith (your last name) & Company.  Select one as the primary account contact and one as the billing contact.
  3. Check the “PO Required” check box on the client record.
  4. Add two location accounts that use this client as their main billing account.  Do not use any existing clients.  If you watched the Working with multi-site clients video then you know to go to Menu, Add Location. If have not viewed this tutorial, now would be a good time to watch the video.)
  5. Return to the Client SmartView.
  6. Search for the client by account number.  Notice that the two client records that are location accounts for the main billing account show up immediately after the main account.
  7. Double click on the main billing account (your last name & Company).  Notice that there is now a “>>” button to the right of the Location/Billing drop down.
  8. Click on the “>>” button.  The list that you are looking at shows all locations that share this account as their billing account.
  9. Double click on one of the accounts on the list.  You are now viewing one of the location accounts.  Notice the difference between the account number (AcctNo) and billing account number (BillingAcctNo).


Change the billing responsibility for a client

Let’s say that Joe (your first name) & Company just got bought out by Smith (your last name) & Company.  Here’s how you can change the billing responsibility for Joe & Company.

  1. Find Joe (your first name) & Company on the client list and double click on it.
  2. Click on the picker button for the BillingAcctNo and find the record for Smith (your last name) & Company.
  3. Double click on that line and press the Tab key to move to another field.  Notice that the billing account number, name and address for Joe (your first name) & Company now points to the client record for Smith (your last name) & Company.
  4. Click Save and Close to return to the Client List screen.
  5. Double click on Joe (your first name) & Company.  Notice that the screen now has now a “>>” button to the right of the Location/Billing drop down.
  6. Click on the “>>” button.  Notice that you see a list with the primary billing account for this company as well as all other location accounts that are under that same billing account.
  7. Double click on one of those lines to view that account.
  8. Click Close.