Status Codes

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In ServMan, quote, order and invoice management are primarily controlled by a variety of status codes.  Since workflow patterns vary from company to company, the status code sequence that you use for order management is uniquely your own.  You can view and configure status codes by accessing Master Files> Miscellaneous> Order Status from the menu bar.  

An explanation of the various set-up criteria related to Status Codes is provided below.  Please be warned of status code cause and effect within ServMan.  You should always consult your support representative when adding or changing codes!  The status code setup may look complex and require some guidance, but this one-time setup assures simplified ease of use and efficiency.

Options and field definitions

There are numerous options available on a status code that controls the behavior of orders, quotes, ToDo tasks, and appointments in that status. Please note the options change based your selections and some options are not applicable with all selections.


Status Code Color

Order status codes are given a color from Mater Files -> Miscellaneous -> Order Status Codes, then set on the Status Flag Color field of each specific code.  Use the picker button to select a different color for each status to tell at a glance what statuses your orders are in on a give day.

Add a status code

  1. Select Master Files > Miscellaneous > Order Status Codes.
  2. Click New Code.
  3. Enter the name of the status.
  4. Select a color to represent the status.
  5. Select the settings for the status.
  6. Click OK.


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Edit a status code

  1. Select Master Files > Miscellaneous > Order Status Codes.
  2. Select the code you want to edit.
  3. Edit the settings for the status. Please make sure you fully understand the changes you make as this could impact your company's workflow.
  4. Click OK.


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Delete a status code

  1. Select Master Files > Miscellaneous > Order Status Codes.
  2. Select the code you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete Code.
  4. Answer Yes to the dialog "All orders with this status will be converted to a status of open. Continue with deletion?" to delete the code.


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