Hardware and network requirements

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Workstations should meet at least the minimum configuration options below.

Recommended configuration

MINIMUM configuration

NOTE: ServMan will operate using Windows minimum configuration requirements however performance may be impacted due to resource limitations.  Additional applications that may run concurrently with the ServMan application may significantly impact memory requirements of the local workstation.  

We recommend hi-resolution displays capable of at least 1024 x 768 resolutions.  Higher is preferred by most users as this determines the screen area that can be displayed.  Dual monitors are also preferred for any users who perform scheduling functions.

Thin Client

Any system compatible with either Microsoft RDP or Citrix thin client applications may be used.  We recommend a minimum 56k bandwidth per expected concurrent user for Centralized Installations.  

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File and database servers

We strongly recommend both dedicated file and database servers for all multi-user installations, but other applications unrelated to ServMan can also run on these servers based on the consent of your IT advisor.  During the implementation process, your ServMan installation team will need to connect remotely to your file server, which is typically done via terminal services.  You should have your network administrator configure your router for outside access via terminal services to your server by either static IP address or DNS name.

Minimum Server Configuration

File Server

File server specifications vary significantly based on your total users, services running and total storage requirements. You must have enough disk space to accommodate your existing applications plus the ServMan installation, which is relatively small at 350 MB.  As a rule, if you total all disk space used by existing applications and multiply this amount by three, you should have your new space requirements.  Remember, that you will probably keep your existing application(s) and data on your server for historical reference!  Disk space for data storage is relatively inexpensive, so the “3-times existing usage” rule should provide plenty of space for the future.

Your server should employ the fastest disk systems you can afford as this more than anything will affect overall system performance to the workstations.  Additionally, a fail safe disk solution like a RAID 5 disk array and a tape backup running the software Backup Exec or an off-site backup service is highly recommended.

Recommended server configuration

Database Server

ServMan uses Microsoft SQL Server as its database server. There are a number of editions available depending on your database size and number of users, but ServMan requires SQL Server 2008R2 or later and recommends SQL Server 2012 or above. Your database servers should meet the requirement for the SQL Server edition you plan to purchase and have 16 GB Ram allocated to SQL.

It is strongly advised that you employ a Certified SQL Server Database Administrator, MCITP or above, to verify and validate all configurations of your server prior to your ServMan installation.  It has been our experience that many IT companies lack the expertise to properly optimize their servers for ServMan to be installed and run efficiently. If you need help locating a qualified firm to perform this service contact your ServMan Project Manager for recommendations.

SQL Server Express is a free version available from Microsoft that is compatible with ServMan, but it lacks support for SQL Agent which is required to run timed processes on the database level.  This would prevent the ability to use SQL backup processes, as well as other timed events.  Also, many additional features in ServMan require Scheduled SQL jobs;  APPAA, Call Escalation, shared contacts, GL pending (used to make sure all GL entries are added correctly and without deadlocks) to name just a few.  Other known limitations of SQL Express include a 10GB total database size, its ability to only access 1GB RAM and only utilize one core of a multi-core processor.  These limitations significantly slow performance, cause deadlock issues, so we do NOT support SQL Server Express for your ServMan installation.  Also please note the following important information:

Your servers should employ the fastest Disk systems you can afford, as this more than anything will affect overall system performance to the workstations.  Additionally, a fail-safe disk solution like RAID 5 disk array and a tape backup running the software Backup Exec or an off-site backup service is highly recommended. Contact your ServMan representative for recommendations for off-site backup providers.

If you are running a Centralized Solution it is recommended that you install Application Servers separately from your SQL Server.  Our experience has demonstrated acceptable performance with approximately 15-20 users per CPU.

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ServMan Mobile Hardware Requirements

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Network infrastructure

Current technology is rapidly evolving and that Gigabit switches and cards are now available and your network should be as fast as possible, incorporating the latest technologies.  The minimum recommended infrastructure for ServMan are approved cabling with at least a 100MB switch, not a hub.  If you are utilizing multiple servers, this should include GigaLan connectivity between servers and a minimum 100MB switched data to the workstations.  Many networks are now including GigaLan speeds directly to the desktop.

Here are some specific points that you should consider when configuring your network for ServMan:

Required Registry Setting

Windows Servers have a known issue that adversely affects the initial loading of the ServMan application.  Please make the following registry adjustment to ALL Servers.

  1. Start Registry Editor, REGEDIT
  2. Locate the following registry key:

Add the following information:
Value Name: SharingViolationDelay
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Data: 0
Value Name: SharingViolationRetries
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Data: 0

  1. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart the server.

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Antivirus configuration

Make sure that you have anti-virus software running on your server and all workstations and updates are downloaded daily. To enhance performance configure your anti-virus software to NOT scan the ServMan directory. If you cannot exclude specific directories, you should exclude the following file types:

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Points to remember about your servers!  

  1. Confirm your DAILY backups are functioning properly!

  2. Always turn off Power Management.  You don’t want the hard drive, NIC, or CPU going to sleep for any reason.

  3. Make sure your virus scans don’t run during the day.

  4. Turn off Microsoft’s automatic updates.

  5. Check that the following registry settings exists on ALL servers:

Edit Registry on ALL servers

-         Start Registry Editor.

-         Locate the following registry key:

-         HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters

-         Add the following information:

-         Value Name: SharingViolationDelay
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Data: 0 (Default: 200)

-         Value Name: SharingViolationRetries
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Data: 0 (Default: 5)

-         Quit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.

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Network Security and PCI DSS Compliance

Merchants accepting credit cards are required to be up to date on data security standards. Due to security breaches over the past few years in which companies have had their credit card information stolen (TJX, Hannaford’s, etc.), American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB, MasterCard Worldwide, and Visa International have jointly developed security guidelines to protect merchants, processors and cardholders from future security breaches. These guidelines, PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), apply to ALL merchants that accept, transmit or store any cardholder data regardless of size or number of transactions. Merchants that do not follow these guidelines are potentially subject to heavy penalties, fines and possibly being prohibited from processing credit cards.

It is your responsibility to ensure PCI DSS compliance within your operation where credit cards are handled.

The PCI DSS framework is divided into 12 security requirements which are organized in six categories as follows:

1. Build and maintain a secure network

Requirement 1: Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data

Requirement 2: Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters

2. Protect cardholder data

Requirement 3: Protect stored cardholder data

Requirement 4: Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks (we have this requirement covered within ServMan).

3. Maintain a vulnerability management program

Requirement 5: Use and regularly update anti-virus software or programs

Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and applications

4. Implement strong access control measures

Requirement 7: Restrict access to cardholder data by business need-to-know

Requirement 8: Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access

Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data

5. Regularly monitor and test networks

Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data

Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems and processes

6. Maintain an information security policy

Requirement 12: Maintain a policy that addresses information security for employees and contractors

There are two steps in the validation of PCI DSS compliance. One is the completion of a PCI self-assessment questionnaire, and the other is periodic scans of your local system by an independent testing agency. Most credit card processors offer the services of third-party vendors to assist merchants with 5 their self-assessment questionnaires and system scans.

Please consult your credit card service provider for assistance in ensuring your PCI DSS compliance!

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