Detail Colors in ServMan

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The Meaning of Colors in ServMan

If you have seen the schedule board, you know that ServMan is a program of many colors.  The colors on the schedule board readily tell you what status an order is in, without having to open up, or even click on the order.  These order status code colors are customizable and are set from the Order Status Code setup screen located in Master Files -> Miscellaneous.  

Many of the detail screens in ServMan are programmed to tell you, at a glance, more information about that specific line item.  For example, from looking at an order screen, the color of the lines will tell you if the line has been invoiced, if it is a Flat Rate item, if it has been posted to COGS, etc.  Below is a listing of all the line item colors that appear in the detail tabs of the various sections of ServMan.  Note that these colors are NOT customizable.  


Order Detail Screen

Red means the item is a Flat Rate Item.

Green means the item is a Template.

Navy Blue means the item has been purchased from a PO where the PO setting "purchase directly to a job or work order" is selected. NOTE:  If the order detail line purchase is set to "Purchase to a warehouse" the line will not display any color - showing that the line is attached to a purchase.  However the vendor and the PO number will still fill in appropriately.  ALSO NOTE:  The order detail lines DO NOT change color when the purchase is received.  

Royal Blue means the item has been posted to COGS.

Dark Gray means the item has been Picked.

Light Gray means the item has been Invoiced.

Orange means the item has the Required Flag set, notifying the parts department that this part is the one that they need to finish the order.  This flag is set either through the mobile application or in the back office by clicking on the long post button and checking the Required checkbox on the Item Info tab.



Purchase Order lines in the Purchases tab on the Order

Gray means the purchase order line is linked to the order.  


Purchase Order Detail

Red means the item is a Flat Rate Item.

Green means the item is a Template.

Dark Gray means the item has been received in full.


Invoice Detail

Red means the item is a Flat Rate Item.

Green means the item is a Template.


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