Working with contacts

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Contacts are the specific people you interact with at a company. For residential clients, this may simply be the homeowner. For commercial accounts, it is possible to have numerous contacts.


Add a contact

  1. Open the client's account.
  2. Select the Contact tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the contact's information.
  5. Click Save.


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Edit a contact

  1. Open the client's account.
  2. Select the Contact tab.
  3. Select the contact.
  4. Update the information as needed.
  5. Click Save.


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Designate a primary account contact

  1. Open the client's account.
  2. Select the Contact tab.
  3. Select the contact.
  4. Check Primary Account Contact.
  5. Click Save.


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Designate a primary billing contact

  1. Open the client's account.
  2. Select the Contact tab.
  3. Select the contact.
  4. Check Primary Billing Contact.
  5. Click Save.


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Set a contact's contact type

The contact type identifies the contact, for example; homeowner, facilities manager, or accounts payable. You can create custom contacts types by selecting MasterFiles > Miscellaneous > Contact Types.

  1. Open the client's account.
  2. Select the Contact tab.
  3. Select the contact.
  4. Select the contact type.
  5. Click Save.


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Setup a contact to receive eDocuments

ServMan allows you to send invoices, statements, and mobile order notifications via email. First, you must identify the contacts who should receive these documents.

  1. Open the client's account.
  2. Select the Contact tab.
  3. Select the contact who should receive documents via email.
  4. Select the Misc tab.
  5. Enter or verify the email address in Email Address 1. Note: eDocuments are sent to this email address only.
  6. Select the e-Doc tab.
  7. Select email as the method for invoices, statements, or mobile orders as applicable. Note that mobile order notification requires ServMan Synchronization Server and scripts in order to function.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for each contact who should receive eDocuments.


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Delete a contact

  1. Open the client's account.
  2. Select the Contact tab.
  3. Select the contact.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click Save.


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