Working with contacts
Contacts are the specific people you interact with at a company. For residential clients, this may simply be the homeowner. For commercial accounts, it is possible to have numerous contacts.
Add a contact
- Open the client's account.
- Select the Contact tab.
- Click Add.
- Enter the contact's information.
- Click Save.
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Edit a contact
- Open the client's account.
- Select the Contact tab.
- Select the contact.
- Update the information as needed.
- Click Save.
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Designate a primary account contact
- Open the client's account.
- Select the Contact tab.
- Select the contact.
- Check Primary Account Contact.
- Click Save.
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Designate a primary billing contact
- Open the client's account.
- Select the Contact tab.
- Select the contact.
- Check Primary Billing Contact.
- Click Save.
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Set a contact's contact type
The contact type identifies the contact, for example; homeowner, facilities manager, or accounts payable. You can create custom contacts types by selecting MasterFiles > Miscellaneous > Contact Types.
- Open the client's account.
- Select the Contact tab.
- Select the contact.
- Select the contact type.
- Click Save.
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Setup a contact to receive eDocuments
ServMan allows you to send invoices, statements, and mobile order notifications via email. First, you must identify the contacts who should receive these documents.
- Open the client's account.
- Select the Contact tab.
- Select the contact who should receive documents via email.
- Select the Misc tab.
- Enter or verify the email address in Email Address 1. Note: eDocuments are sent to this email address only.
- Select the e-Doc tab.
- Select email as the method for invoices, statements, or mobile orders as applicable. Note that mobile order notification requires ServMan Synchronization Server and scripts in order to function.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 3 through 8 for each contact who should receive eDocuments.
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Delete a contact
- Open the client's account.
- Select the Contact tab.
- Select the contact.
- Click Delete.
- Click Save.
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