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Price books

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ServMan supports custom price books that provide powerful client price management controls. Think of a price book as a price catalog that is assigned to a client, job, quote, or order. If you assign a price book to a client, it will be applied to all of a clients quotes, orders and invoices. Likewise, if you assign a price book to a job, it will be applied to all quotes, orders and invoices created under that job.


How does a price book work?

A price book allows you to setup pricing rules by item, manufacturer, sub-category, primary category, and cost code. When a quote, order, or invoice is created for a client or job, ServMan does the following if a price book is assigned:


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Create a new price book

  1. Select MasterFiles > Price Books.
  2. Right-click in the results area and select Add.
  3. Enter a name for the Price Book.
  4. Check the System Wide Default Price Book check box if the price book is the system default.
  5. (Optional) Enter a default markup percentage that will be applied to all items.
  6. (Optional) Select the break type to set specific level discounts that will be applied to all items.
  7. Click OK.


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Set a system wide default price book

  1. Create a new price book or open an existing price book.
  2. Check the System Wide Default Price Book check box if the price book is the system default.
  3. Click OK.


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Create a price book rule

ServMan offers a tremendous amount of flexibility when creating price rules, allowing you to create rules based on item number, sub-category, primary category, manufacturer, and cost code. In addition, you can add complex price breaks based on prices points or quantity.

  1. Create a new price book or open an existing price book.
  2. Check the Show details check box to show the existing rules for the price book.
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. Select the type of rule. Item number, manufacturer, sub-category, primary category, and cost code are valid types.
  5. Enter or select the criteria. What you enter here changes based on your selection in step 4. If you choose item number in step 4, then you should enter an item. If you select manufacturer, then you should enter a manufacturer.
  6. Select your price point. Cost bases price book calculations off of the item cost and retail bases price book calculations off of the item retail price.
  7. Select the type of markup. You can choose from markup percentage and gross profit percentage. If you select item number in step 4, you have a third option for price that allows you to assign a specific price to that item.
  8. Select the break type if applicable. The valid break types are:
  9. Click OK.


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Assign a price book to a client

When a price book is set on a client's account, all new orders, quotes, and manual invoices for that client will automatically be assigned that price book.

  1. Open the client's account.
  2. Select the price book. The price book selector is located below the billing address.
  3. Click Save.


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Assign a price book to a job

When a price book is set on a job, all new orders, quotes, and manual invoices associated with that job will be assigned that price book. If the client has a different price book than the job, the job price book takes precedence.

  1. Open the job.
  2. Check the Is a contract check box if necessary.
  3. Enter or select the price book.
  4. Click OK.


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Assign a price book to an order, quote, or invoice

Orders, quotes, and invoices inherit the default price book, if applicable. set on the client or job. If the client and job have different prices books, the job price book takes precedence. The default price book can be changed or removed.

  1. Open the order, quotes, or invoice.
  2. Enter or select a price book or delete the existing price book.
  3. Right-click in the detail area and select one of the following options if the sell prices needs to be recalculated:
  4. Click Save.

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Price Book Search Sequence

 ServMan will perform the following algorithm for a price lookup from a  price book.
 1st look for item specific pricing (item number or manufacturer's item number if from vendor catalog)
 2nd look for manufacturer pricing
 3rd look for sub category pricing
 4th look for price book primary category pricing
 5th look for item cost code pricing
 6th look for default markup percentage on price book if not zero
 7th look for any pricebook break level settings on the pricebook header
 8th look for system wide default price book if one exists (apply steps 1 thru 5 to it)
 9th take the retail price from the item master

On any price book you have the ability to specify break levels. Break levels on cost for both gross profit or markup percentages can be set on the price book header level. In addition, the price book detail can override these settings and allow break levels on cost or quantity. It also allows to specify an actual price. On all cost break computations, the system will use the last unit cost stored on the item setup screen and updated when stock is received.


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