Click Step 6: Update ServMan Reports if you wish to perform the recommended reports update.
NOTE: If you have modified any of the standard RPT files for your system, you should not perform a reports update as your modifications will be overwritten during the update. Custom reports built by ServMan or that have a different name than the standard reports will not be affected Select Utilities > Online Update > ServMan Reports Update.
This displays the ServMan Reports Update window
Click the appropriate option. Typically you should select "Download and Install Reports".
Enter the download site. This is
Enter your ServMan serial number as your user ID. (You can locate your serial number by selecting Help -> About in ServMan)
The password is servman (all lower case)
Do NOT click the "Download Beta" checkbox.
Click “Click here to start the update/download.”
The report files will download then install automatically. You will receive notification when the report update is complete.
· Note that there will be one more report downloaded than installed. This is correct. If you do not get at least 217 reports imported, wait a few minutes and re-start the download. Sometimes there is a blip in internet connectivity that causes ServMan to think all reports have downloaded when they have not.
Close the ServMan Reports Update window.