Third Party Financing

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Third Party Financing

When using third party financing you may invoice a client for one amount, but actually collect a lower amount as payment in full for the invoice.  The information below will show the recommended practices for processing invoices and payments that involve third party financing.  The process will accomplish the following tasks:



1.      Invoice the customer

        Prepare an invoice for the full amount ($5,000)

        Print it and present to the customer and/or financing company as needed

        Update the invoice to A/R

2.      Receive Payment

        Receive the $4,600 payment from the finance company against the invoice. (That will leave a $400 balance due.)

        Create a Credit Memo against the original invoice.  A Finance Fee detail line should be created with a quantity of -1, price of $400 and cost of $0.00; charging the GL account of your choice. (The GL account can either reduce income or increase the cost of sales.)

        Update A/R on the Credit Memo. ServMan will now show a balance on the customer's account of $0.00.

3.      Add the finance charge amount to the job so that it will be reflected on the POC Job Analysis report (This can be done at any time in the process)

        Create a new order on the job or add a detail line to an existing work order for the Finance Fee. The detail line should have a quantity of 1, price of $0.00 and cost of $400; charging the GL account of your choice. (The GL account will not actually be charged, but must be a valid GL account)

        The Finance Fee amount with show as an expense on the POC Job Analysis report as soon as the order is either Posted to COGS or invoiced