Working with general journal entries

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Add a general journal entry

  1. Click General Journal Entries on the General Ledger Navigator.
  2. Enter the requested information.
  3. Validate your entries are In Balance
  4. Select from the following options:

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Edit a general journal entry

  1. Click General Journal Entries on the bottom left column of the General Ledger Navigator.
  2. Select the journal entry to edit and double click it.
  3. Change the information as required.
  4. Click Save, then Close.


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Delete a general journal entry

  1. Click General Journal Entries on the General Ledger Navigator.
  2. Select the entry from the grid.
  3. Right click and select Delete Journal Entry

  1. Press Yes to delete the entry

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Setup a recurring general journal entry

  1. Add a General Journal Entry as normal.
  2. Click Recur in the tool bar.
  3. Enter the following information in the Recurring Payment dialog:
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Save. This records a transaction in the General Ledger for each recurrence you set in step 3.


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Delete multiple instances of a recurring general journal entry

  1. Select Modules > General Journal Entries.
  2. Locate and select the first instance of the recurring entry you want to delete.
  3. Right-click and select "Delete Series from This Date Forward".


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Reverse a general journal entry

  1. Select the time period then the journal entry to reverse
  2. Right click and select "Add Reversal of" from the list
  3. A new entry will open with the debits and credits reversed.  
  4. Review for accuracy then press Save then Close.