GL- COA Demystified

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GL – COA Demystified

Explanation of a GL Account number with Masking (XXXXX-BB-DD)


Explanation of the GL Type codes (housed in the GLTYPE table)

A1 - Cash

A2 - A/R

A3 - Inventory

A4 - Other Current Assets

A5 - Fixed Assets

A6 - Other Assets

L1 - A/P

L2 - Other Current Liabilities

L3 - Long Term Liabilities

E1 - Equity - Doesn't Close

E2 - Equity - Retained Earnings

E3 - Equity - Gets Closed

S1 - Income

C1 - Cost of Sales

X1 - Expenses


Explanation of Parent Account Number

This is the account number that dollars will total to it the dollars in this account roll into another account


Explanation of Non Posting Y/N

If this account represents a totalling of other account values (a roll up or Parent account)  then enter a Y.  Otherwise leave blank



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