eCheck payments

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Process an eCheck payment for an unpaid invoice

  1. Open the client's account.
  2. Click the Menu button and select A/R Detail Inquiry.
  3. Right-click in the detail area and select eCheck Receipt.
  4. Select the charge type.
  5. Enter the requested information. If a client has bank account information stored in ServMan, you can select the account rather than manually entering the information.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the invoices the client wishes to pay. The balance due for that invoice will be charged unless you override the payment amount. Optionally, you can record the payment as an open payment by checking the open payment option and entering the requested information.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Select the desired merchant account.
  10. Click the Click here to process this charge button to process the charge. If multiple invoices are submitted for payment, each one will be processed individually.
  11. You will be prompted to print a receipt. Click Yes or No.
  12. Click Finish.


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Process an eCheck payment on an order

ServMan does not currently support eCheck processing on orders. Instead, you can process these payments in a eCheck batch once the invoice has been created.

  1. Detail the order as normal.
  2. Set the payment term on the order to eCheck or similar terms.
  3. Save the order.
  4. Click Edit Client.
  5. Click Menu and select eCheck Setup.
  6. Verify the checking account information is setup. If not, enter the account information.
  7. Close the client account.
  8. Save and close the order.
  9. After all orders have been detailed, invoice them as normal.
  10. Process an eCheck payment batch to receive the payments.


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Process eCheck payments in a batch

The benefit of batch processing is that you can process multiple invoices at once, but it does require that the client have a preferred checking account set on their account.

  1. Click the eCheck Batch on the Accounts Receivable navigator.
  2. Enter the batch information or select an existing batch.
  3. Click Next.
  4. The charge type is set to Sale. This on the only type currently supported for eChecks.
  5. Select the transaction type from the following options:
  6. Enter the date range.
  7. Select the payment terms you wish to capture charges for.
  8. Click Press here to get charges.
  9. Review the transactions.
  10. Click the Click Here to Process All Pending Sales Below button to process the charges. f multiple invoices are submitted for payment, each one will be processed individually.
  11. Click the Transaction Report button to print a transaction report that summarizes the transactions based on card type and status (approved, declined).
  12. Click Finish.


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Process a refund for an eCheck payment

ServMan does not currently support eCheck (ACH) refunds. If you need to issue a refund for a payment made using ServMan's eCheck feature, you have two choices:


    1. View the client's A/R Inquiry screen
    2. Right click on the eCheck (ACH) payment
    3. Select Reverse Payment


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Void an eCheck payment

eCheck payments cannot be voided. You should wait for the payment to settle and be deposited to your account then issue a manual check to the customer.


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