Paying bills
ServMan provides several processes for paying bills, from paying individual vendors to barter transactions to batch payment processes.
Pay bills in a batch
- Click Batch Checks on the Accounts Payable Navigator.
- Enter the criteria for the payment batch.
- Click OK.
- Verify the check date, checking account, and discount account are correct.
- Remove bills for payment by clicking in the Pay column.
- You can select or de-select all invoices by right-clicking in the detail area and selecting the appropriate option.
- Edit the discount and payment amounts as needed. Why would I edit these?
- Select from the following options:
- Close: close the payment window without saving
- Reselect: return selection criteria screen
- Print Checks: print checks for the selected items
- Print Selections: print the Batch Check Selections report
- Save to batch: save your selections (allows you to close the window and save which bills you selected)
Video Tutorial - AP Batch Bills
To watch a video tutorial on paying AP bills in a batch, please click HERE.
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Pay bills for one vendor
- Click Manual Checks on the Accounts Payable Navigator.
- Make sure the cash account reflects the general ledger account from which the funds will be withdrawn.
- Enter or select the vendor.
- Enter the date.
- Click the Menu button and select Assign EFT Check Number. This assigns a check number based on the current date.
- NOTE: You MUST assign a unique check number to all EFT payment or you will not be able to close the accounting period.
- If you have already reconciled the account, you must un-reconcile, add the missing EFT check numbers, and re-reconcile.
- Select the Apply to Invoices tab.
- Select the bills for payment. Bills highlighted in grey have a payment hold placed on them and cannot be paid.
- Edit the discount and payment amounts as needed.
- Select or enter the items to pay.
- Select from the following options:
- Close: close the A/P Check window without saving
- Print: saves the check then print the check
- Save: save the check without printing (useful for EFT payments)
- Recur: setup a recurrence pattern for the check
- Clear: remove all selections
- Edit: select a different check to edit
Please note that while ServMan does give you the ability to record ACH payments to vendors initiated through your bank, it does NOT actually send the payment to the vendor.
Video Tutorial - Manual Checks
To watch a video tutorial on paying AP bills in a batch, please click HERE.
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Pay bills with a check card, debit card, or EFT
Check card, debit card, and EFT (ACH) payments reduce your checking account the same as writing a check. The only difference is you do not print a check.
- Click Manual Checks on the Accounts Payable Navigator.
- Make sure the cash account reflects the general ledger account from which the funds will be withdrawn.
- Enter or select the vendor.
- Enter the date of the transaction.
- Click the Menu button and select Assign EFT Check Number.
- All payment transactions need an identification number. Normally this is the check, but check card, debit card, or EFT payments do not have a check number.
- NOTE: You MUST assign a unique check number to all EFT payment or you will not be able to close the accounting period.
- If you have already reconciled the account, you must un-reconcile, add the missing EFT check numbers, and re-reconcile.
- Select the Apply to Invoices tab.
- Select the bills for payment. Bills highlighted in grey have a payment hold placed on them and cannot be paid.
- Edit the discount and payment amounts as needed.
- Click Save.
Please note that while ServMan does give you the ability to record ACH payments to vendors initiated through your bank, it does NOT actually send the payment to the vendor.
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Handling non-cash (barter) payments
Barter payments are payments you make that do not involve cash. If you have a vendor who is also a customer, you can make barter payments (use open invoices you have in A/R to pay outstanding bills you have in A/P). Before making barter payments, you must create a bartering relationship between the vendor account and client account.
Apply A/R transactions to the vendor account
- Select the vendor. The associated client account is displayed automatically.
- Select the invoices by double-clicking in the Inc(lude) column.
- Enter a document number for the credit.
- Enter the post date.
- The credit amount is calculated automatically.
- Select the A/P General Ledger account.
- Click Commit Credit to A/P.
Apply A/P transactions to the client account
- Open the client account.
- Click the Menu button and select A/R Detail Inquiry.
- Select the transaction detail tab.
- Right-click and select Apply Open.
- Select the A/P invoices from the list on the left.
- Select the A/P invoices on the right. Or, click Auto Apply to apply automatically from the oldest invoice to the newest until the credit amount is applied in full.
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