ServMan Android Version History

20241123 - (2024-11-21)

20241113 - (2024-11-13)

20240214 - (2024-02-14)

20240212 - (2024-02-12)

20240109 - (2024-01-09)

20240104 - (2024-01-04)

20240103 - (2024-01-03)

20231010 - (2023-10-10)

20230901 - (2023-09-01)

20230712 - (2023-07-12)

20230620 - (2023-06-20)

20230616 - (2023-06-16)

20230420 - (2023-04-20)

20230329 - (2023-03-29)

20230227 - (2023-02-27)

Sm-t636b, sm-t630 and sm-t738)

20221116 - (2022-11-16)

20221114 - (2022-11-14)

20221003 - (2022-10-03)

20220926 - (2022-09-26)

20220818 - (2022-08-19)

(If this setting is equal to 1, then this requires a minimum back office build of 5.22A.10 and minimum web service Build 2022.08.18 for this setting to be realized.)

20220812 - (2022-08-12)

20220808 - (2022-08-08)

20220701 - (2022-07-01)

20220627 - (2022-06-27)

20220613 - (2022-06-13)

20220517 - (2022-05-17)

20220504 - (2022-05-04)

20220426 - (2022-04-28)

20220401 - (Beta)

20220310– (Internal)

·        Modified FTNI Check Scanning Process to add more details to the API logs. (Requires Web Service 2022.03.04 or later)

·        Modified FTNI Check Scanning screen for better field alignment.

20220221– (Internal)

·        Updated request to user of app security permissions to ask for all permissions sequentially when opening ServMan Mobile, when permissions were not previously granted.

20220217– (Internal)

·        Updated new check scanning feature with additional business rule to not allow duplicate checks.  Also added additional options to user when IQA errors occur, and set check number returned from IQA results as the check number on the ordpay record.

·        Resolved issue with feature added recently to update pricebook price when qty is changed on order detail item.  Order detail screen will now properly update the pricebook price when Save button is clicked directly after qty is updated.

20220211– (Internal)

·        Added new check scanning feature to Order Payments screen.  Requires ServMan Web Service 22.02.17 or later and ServMan Enterprise version 5.22A.03 or higher.

·        Updated Order Detail Edit and System Edit screens to allow widget.expr fragment control query based on orddet.od_id (Order Detail Edit) and system.system_no (System Edit).

20220117– (20220118)

·        Resolved issue introduced in 20220114 where flat rate item pricing may get set to $0 when adding a single flat rate item from Order Detail screen.

20220114– (202-01-14)

·        Template item with component pricing will now always have price set to $0 when adding to order/quote, even when a retail price is set on the template item, to match ServMan process.

20220113– (Internal)

·        Added new Security Issue ‘Forms Lock Screen Orientation’ to lock the Order Form Edit screen to portrait orientation.  The Form Edit screen is now locked in portrait mode by default, and can be unlocked by setting the new security issue to ‘Deny’.

·        Adding a template item to an order which uses template pricing on the order detail tab and Shopping Cart will now launch the pricebook pricing update process to update the price of the template item, if a pricebook price exists.

·        Resolved issue with Shopping Cart item search feature to properly launch search when search button is clicked.  A previous update to Android library used in ServMan Mobile may have caused Shopping Cart search feature to not function properly.

20211223– (2021-01-07)

·        Added Mobile+ Document Upload Feature.  Requires active ServMan Mobile+SalesPro license and ServMan Enterprise version 5.22A.04 or higher.

20211207– (2021-12-08)

·        Resolved issue when swiping credit card with IDTech Unimag swipe where transaction may not be processed.

·        Resolved issue where invalid timedet record and orddet record with no order_no may be produced when using the Time Detail Log Punch process and entering the order number within the Time Log screen.

20211028– (2021-10-28)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Model SM-T227U.

·        Added support for flat rate level overrides on all flat rate level prices.  Requires ServMan Web Service version 21.10.26 or later.

20210920– (Internal)

·       Resolved issue where Workwave Payments Card Present transactions may send the payment to Handpoint terminal with payment amount rounded down one penny.

20210913– (2021-09-14)

·       Resolved issue where HW_ORD_NO was still set to the original order’s HW_ORD_NO when creating a follow up order.  Version 20200827 did not blank out the HW_ORD_NO properly in all code paths.

20210908– (2021-09-08)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Model SM-T738U.

·        Updated Workwave Logos.

20210826– (2021-08-28)

·        Updated ‘Price’ label on order detail screen to ‘Price (Click Refresh For Pricebook Pricing).

·        Added new ServMan Mobile setting (Settings->Configuration) ‘Run Pricebook Refresh When Qty is Updated’ to run the pricebook refresh process on the order detail entry screen when qty is updated.

·        Added new ServMan Mobile setting (Settings->Configuration) ‘Print & Email Use Background Upload’ to allow sync to be completed and email sent, then documents uploaded in the background after Print & Email sync is completed.


20210727– (2021-07-27)

·        Added ‘Add New Client’ feature to Client History lookup screen.  Requires active ServMan Mobile+SalesPro license and ServMan Enterprise version 5.21A.05 or higher.

·        Resolved issue when processing WorkWave Payments card present transactions where incorrect transaction ID may get sent to WWP as the transaction successfully processed if multiple transactions were started prior to successful transaction.

·        Resolved issue with WorkWave Payments Credit Card On File feature where credit cards on file for the incorrect account may display when choosing the credit card to use.

20210625– (2021-06-25)

·        ServMan Mobile Forms: REFRESH change action on a SQL Expression Widget will now trigger the change actions of the SQL Expression Widget.

20210617– (Internal)

·        ServMan Mobile Forms: TEXTVIEW_WITH_PICKER control set as Required will no longer set the focus to the edit control  and allow user to type text into edit control after Verify and Close on form.

·        ServMan Mobile Forms: Controls set as INITGONE or INITHIDE with a default value set, and SAVE_WHEN_GONE not set, will no longer save the default value in the mobile form values unless control is shown.

·        ServMan Mobile Forms:  Default value will now be displayed on controls set with default value which are hidden by an action, then user exits form and re-opens form, then action shows the control.  Previously the value would be blank in this scenario.

·        Color layout flags are now supported on SQL Expression widgets.

20210611– (2021-06-11)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Models SM-T878U, SM-N981U, SM-N986U.

·       Added additional check on WorkWave Payments card present processing to check multiple transactions with the same approval number are not recorded when multiple end of transaction events occur from Handpoint terminal.

20210609– (2021-06-10)

·       Added support for all WorkWave Payments card present transactions to be tokenized to allow for refunds to card present transactions.  Requires ServMan Web Service version 21.06.09 or later.

20210602– (2021-06-03)

·       Added Preferred Card feature when saving card to account on WorkWave Payments card present and card not present screen.

·       Added additional provisions to ensure duplicate transactions are not recorded when multiple end of transaction events are received by Handpoint terminal for same transaction.

·       Updated billing first name and last name fields on WWP screen to properly split first and last name if is in the form of Last Name, First Name.

20210520– (Internal)

·       Updated card present processing to ensure duplicate transactions are not recorded when multiple end of transaction events occur from Handpoint terminal for same transaction.

20210430– (Internal)

·       Added support for WorkWave Card Present payments using Handpoint terminals.  Requires ServMan Web Service build 21.04.30 or higher.

·       Resolved issue where sync may not start properly when a file upload is in process.

·       Updated document upload process to run a single upload thread, instead of multiple upload threads, when multiple orders are synced with documents attached, so upload bandwidth is not split with multiple uploads.

·       Updated multiple task threads to use updated Android execute task function.

20210316– (2021-03-30)

·       Resolved issue in WorkWave Payments Card on File process which may cause the card on file selected to not be processed and send user back to payment screen.

·       Updated errors for WorkWave Payments Card on File process to show error returned.

·       Updated WorkWave Payment Iframe to close on new redirected URL to ensure ServMan credit card and AR records are processed before querying results.

20210226– (Testing)

·       Resolved issue when creating a new order from Client Search History where order may not be created and user is sent back to order list screen.

·       Updated wait period when querying results of WorkWave payments to wait 3 seconds per request.

20210225– (Internal)

·       Added merchant id to WorkWave Payments ordpay records.

·       Updated WorkWave Payments screen so Done button is seen on screen after approval.

·       Pressing back button on WorkWave Payments screen after a successful transaction will no longer display ‘No Payment Processed’.

·       Added additional attempts to query the results of a WorkWave Payment transaction after a successful transaction.  A timing issue may cause the ordpay record to not be added by callback from WorkWave payments prior to ServMan Mobile querying the results.  This was resulting in duplicate ordpay records being written due to the ordpay.op_id not being downloaded in the query and updated in the Mobile ordpay table.

20210219– (Internal)

·       Resolved issue in Shopping Cart on tablet (large screen) devices where hitting the + (Add) button to add items may cause a crash of application.

·       Additional updates for support of forthcoming WorkWave Payments Card Present terminal.

20210219– (Internal)

·       Updated background upload process to utilize a foreground service, instead of a background service, so the service is not killed by the Android OS when device goes to sleep.  The foreground service may pause when device sleeps, but will resume when device is turned on, whether user is in ServMan Mobile or not.

·       Set new wake lock when upload foreground service is running to keep device and network connection from going to sleep during long uploads with large or numerous files.  Note: the screen will now stay on and device active while uploads are processing, which may affect battery life of device.

·       Added new Settings->Configuration setting ‘Legacy File Upload Process’ to set document upload process to legacy processing during an order sync, instead of using new background upload process.

20210210– (Internal)

·       Set minimum SDK version to Android 6 to continue to allow older devices to install ServMan Mobile.

20210209– (Internal)

·       Added support for new SAVE_WHEN_GONE Layout Flag on mobile form controls which will allow the value of a field hidden by a hide action on another control to be saved.

20210208– (Internal)

·       Updated database fields to replace \n characters with \r\n on save of character fields to ensure they will display properly in ServMan.

·       Updated tax codes list to use maximum tax codes setting from Program Settings in ServMan.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.21A.02 or higher.

·       Updated Android Support SDK libraries.  Updated target SDK version to 28 (Android 9).

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Model SM-G973U.

20210202– (Internal)

·       Resolved issue where index on pohdr table was not getting created properly.

·       Updated WorkWave Payment callback to replace non-case sensitive servmancreditcardservice.asmx to ServmanWWPCallback.aspx.

·       Added feature to allow a message display on status change, and status change to be canceled by user based on message.  Message is set on the order status setup in ServMan.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.21A.02 or higher.

202101261– (Internal)

·       Updated WorkWave Payments web view for manually entering credit card data to disallow autofill of credit card data.

20210125– (Internal)

·        Added support for WorkWave Payments, including processing a Credit Card on file for account.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.21A.01 or higher and web service 21.01.25 or higher.

·        Added new setting in Settings->Configuration to allow default Payment type on referential order payments to ‘Cash’ or ‘Check’.  Default value remains ‘Check’.

·        Payment amount on referential order payments will now default to the amount due from the order.

·        Default behavior of ServMan Mobile security settings ‘Payment Credit Card Require Zip NonPresent’ and ‘Payment Credit Card Require Cvv2 NonPresent’ has changed from not requiring these fields when processing a credit card manually, to requiring these fields, when settings are set to ‘Default’.  These security settings now need to be set to ‘Deny’ to not require these fields when processing a credit card manually.

·        Resolved issue when uploading very large number values, or number values with many decimal places, where the number may be changed to scientific notation and cause a sync error.

20201214– (2021-01-19)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Model SM-T307U.

·        Added support to create and attach purchase orders on order detail screen, as well as inside shopping cart item view.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.20A.16 or higher and web service 20.12.14 or higher.

20201113– (2020-11-17)

·        Added support to upload orddownload table during order sync to track the status of order documents being uploaded in new background sync.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.20A.13 or higher and web service 20.11.13 or higher.

20200917– (Internal)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Model SM-G970U.

·        Resolved issue where setting order detail labor controls security to allow or view may display these labor controls on non-labor order detail items.

·        Resolved issue when in 3 Pane mode on a tablet where system grid may not refresh properly after saving a system.

·        Form values for controls which are later hidden by a hide action are no longer saved.  If a value was saved for a control on a form, then the control is later hidden by the action of another control, the value of the hidden control is removed from the form data table.

·        Resolved issue where fragment controls on forms set to update a Table Name and Name/Tag on the setup of the form fragment control may prevent the field from updating properly on the standard fragment.  Updated fragment controls on forms to not add the control fields to the custom field array for the order.

20200827– (Internal)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Model SM-T867V and SM-G715U.

·        Order HW_ORD_NO field will no longer carry over to new follow-up orders created.

·        Updated order document upload process to process uploads in background after an order sync to allow user to continue to work in app while documents are uploaded.

·        Order document uploads and downloads will now show download progress in Android notification bar for each file.

20200715– (2020-07-15)

·        Resolved issue with download of installation file during ‘Download Current Release’ where installation file may not be downloaded properly.

20200630– (2020-06-30)

·        Added new long press option on Order Detail tab ‘Set GeoCode Location’ to allow detail items set to be added as a client system record to be geocoded.  New security template option has been created to control ‘Set GeoCode Location’ option.

20200611– (2020-06-11)

·        Added support for REDUCE_DEPARTMENTS_BY_CLIENT_BRANCH .ini setting in ServMan Mobile on dept. drop down list when creating an order/quote on new order creation screen, and when updating the dept. on an existing order/quote.

·        Resolved issue with Ping Web Service feature where results may not be returned properly when installed web service is a current web service release.

·        Resolved issue where enlarging image of item in Shopping Cart item view may cause the app to restart.

·        Updated https connection timeouts to use the Connection short and long timeout settings to timeout connections based on the settings.  This is useful when in sparse coverage areas and phone has no signal.

·        Updated Cancel feature on sync progress dialogs to properly disconnect the https session immediately, instead of waiting for timeout to elapse.

20200519– (2020-05-19)

·        Custom order fragment DATE_WITH_PICKER control will now default to today’s date when clicked on by user when the default value includes keywork of ‘TODAY’ and the current value of the year of the field is 1900.

·        Resolved issue caused by Android library updates where Shopping Cart Review may not display .pdf properly to the screen.

·        Resolved issue caused by Android library updates where Email Diagnostics to Support feature may not create document and email properly.

·        Resolved issue caused by Android library updates with Download Current Release where downloaded installation file (.apk file) is not installed after download and may cause app to restart.  Previous download files are also now properly deleted from download directory.

20200422– (2020-04-22)

·        System install date picker control will now default to today’s date when clicked on by user for a system being added or when install date was previously not set on record, instead of defaulting to 02/01/1900.

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e Model SM-T727V.

20200406– (2020-04-06)

·        Added support for custom pricing SQLite queries, OrderDetail.ForClientPrice and OrderDetail.ForJobPrice, to execute when template components using component pricing are added through standard item lookup or Shopping cart item lookup.

20200313 – (2020-03-13)

·        Added support to show/hide (Android Change Actions) fragment controls based on SQLite select statement.

·        Added support for 24 hour TIME_WITH_PICKER control to store data in 24 hour date format.

20200309 – (2020-03-09)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Galaxy Tab A Model SM-T597P.

·        Updated Android Studio development environment and Android Support SDK libraries.  Updated build tools to 28.0.3.  Updated target SDK version to 26 (Oreo), and min SDK version to 23.

·        Updated most screens, toolbars, and classes to utilize updated Android classes.

·        Added OpenEdge libraries for future OpenEdge payment support.

·       Added OrderDetail.ForClientPrice to ServMan Mobile Database Rules to execute SQLite query when an order detail item is added/updated to use a price returned by query.

20191219 – (2019-12-19)

·       Resolved issue where status change log previous status may not get set properly when setting to a status which logs time, and previous status set on the order was not the start status of the time logging.  This would affect the statuses shown to select on order when using status filter feature on department.

·       Support for new web service method ping2020 added on ping sync which will properly check for a valid device Id.

·       Added support for setting payroll pay types to download to mobile and set specific pay type on time clock punches in ServMan Mobile.  User is only prompted if at least one pay type is set to download to ServMan Mobile.

20191209 – (2019-12-09)

·       Added new standard widget button to allow any website to be launched in Chrome from a custom fragment.  URL to browse to is configured in Fragment Manager as a SQLite query.  Values from ordhdr table can be embedded into URL in query.

20191114 – (2019-11-14)

·       Added support to allow custom tables to be downloaded to ServMan Mobile when order is added after a client search.

20191105 – (2019-11-05)

·       Alias items are now supported.

·       Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file to new version of 5.0.15 sent by IDTech.

·        Added new standard widget button to allow a form to be launched from a custom fragment.  Form name to be launched is specified in Fragment Manager.  If form(s) exists linked to the work order, user is given option to Add a new form, or open one of the existing linked forms.

20190917 – (2019-09-17)

·       Resolved issue where SQLite error may be displayed on query of schedule table.

20190618 – (2019-06-18)

·       Hitting update tax button on summary tab will now perform sync of order when order is set to tax status ‘60’.

20190408 – (Internal)

·        Updated order tax and total calculations to run custom OrderDetail.TaxCode60.UpdateAllTaxes and Order.TaxCode60.CalculateOrderTax SQL overrides to allow for custom tax calculations.

20190328 – (Internal)

·       Updated order detail screen to run custom OrderDetail.ForJobPrice and OrderDetail.ForSystemPrice custom overrides on initialization of screen when adding an item.

20190326 – (2019-03-26)

·        Added job selection on order detail screen to allow override of job_id on order detail.

·       Added OrderDetail.ForJobPrice to ServMan Mobile Database Rules to execute sqlite query when Job ID is selected on order detail screen to use a price returned by query.

·       Added JobPicker.OrderBy and JobPicker.Description ServMan Mobile Database Rules to override default description displayed and sort order when selecting Job ID.

20190312 – (2019-03-12)

·       Added OrderDetail.ForSystemPrice to ServMan Mobile Database Rules to execute sqlite query when For System is selected on order detail screen to use a price returned by query.

·       Updated application icons to WorkWave icons.

20190128 – (2019-01-28)

·       Added support for new capacity schedule multi-slot patterns with service window gaps.  Requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.19A.02 or higher.

20190118 – (2019-01-22)

·       Added new ‘Search Vendor Items’ Item Search option on Order Detail screen to search the Vendor Pricing Catalog (real time server query) for items based on item number, vendor item number, manufacturer item number, description and/or extended description.  Will display results with pricing and qty on hand at vendor (if vendprc table is updated).  Item selected is added to order detail as Non-stock item.  Requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.18A.30 or higher.

·       Automatic time logging from status flip will now properly log time to order from previous day if start time was before 8pm the previous day.  A maximum duration has been added where time will not be logged automatically if duration from start time on previous day to end time is greater than 12 hours.  A message is displayed to the user to log time manually.

·       Removed ‘New Unlinked Quote’ option from ‘Add/Edit Quotes From Order’ menu when on a work order.  ‘New Quote From Order’ will create a quote in the same manner.

·       Resolved issue where time clock entries may not be removed properly when linked labor item (time detail record) is deleted in Mobile.

20181204 – (2018-12-04)

·       Added new prompt when creating a quote from order or quote to copy systems to new quote from existing document (quote/order) if existing document had systems linked.  All systems linked to previous document are copied.

·       Resolved issue where email prompt on Credit Card screen would not include client email addresses.

20181130 – (2018-11-30)

·       Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file to 5.0.15.

·        Added new fragment widget control for integration to XOI Technologies.

·        Resolved issue with SQL query debugging screen.

20181108 – (2018-11-08)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Galaxy Tab A Model SM-T597V.

20181102 – (2018-11-02)

·        Added new Configuration Setting ‘Simple Credit Card Errors’ which, when set, will display only the response description text from credit card authorization gateway, or the new Authorize.NET simple descriptions added in latest web service / ServMan updates.  If not set (default), the full xml response is still returned as it was prior to this update.

20181029 – (2018-10-29)

·        Added ‘Capacity Schedule Order’ menu option to quotes to allow user to view available capacity.  User is prompted to select a work type for the proposed work, with the quote work type selected by default, in case quote work types are different than order work types.  User is not able to accept any selections on quotes.

·        Resolved issue where available capacity may not be updated properly when capacity is selected, then Previous 7 Days or Next 7 Days button hit to display other week’s capacity, then user returns to week where capacity was selected from.

·       Resolved issue where configuration settings imported on some devices may give a content error and settings are not imported.

·       Added prompt to user to perform a clean start over sync after Connectivity Settings are imported, or the web service URL, database, or company ID are updated in Connectivity Settings.

·       Added new Configuration Setting ‘Email Documents Unchecked’ which will set all documents to unchecked by default when Print And Email Advanced menu feature is selected.

·       Enabled warning sync business rules.  The warning return on business rules had previously not been enabled in ServMan Mobile.

20181002 – (2018-10-10)

·        Added new standard widgets to launch documents, notes, and signatures fragments from a button control on a fragment.

·        Added new Order security setting ‘Docs Allow Prefix Update’ to control the prefix of added document names.  By default, Android users will no longer see or be able to manually update the prefix in the filename text box based on the document type.  This can be enabled by setting this setting to ‘Allow’.  The user can still update the document type from the document type drop down.

·       Resolved issue when running Oreo Android version where documents added or configuration settings imported from the downloads directory may give a content error.

20180803 – (2018-08-03)

·       Resolved issue where flat rate additional hours may not be updated to orddet.fr_est_tim field when additional hour flat rate level is selected.

·       Customer PO # will no longer be copied to new follow up quotes and orders to match ServMan functionality.

·       Resolved issue where dept. override on Time Log screen may inadvertently set the timedet.dept_ovrd to ‘Default De’ instead of blank.

20180705 – (2018-07-05)

·        Resolved issue with tax calculation when order detail tax codes are set differently than order header tax codes.

·        Removed Race, Marital Status, Gender and DOB from contact screen by default.

·        Added support for new WANT_CENSUS_DATA servman.ini setting.

·        Resolved issue where Import Settings menu option when configuring ServMan Mobile connectivity settings the first time may not import settings properly.

20180625 – (2018-06-25)

·        Reverted IDTech Unimag Library back to 5.0.13 XML file to resolve issues created by IDTech by removing multiple devices.  Added multiple devices to the alternate config .xml file to support additional devices not in the 5.0.13 XML file.

20180621 – (2018-06-21)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0.14 XML file to resolve issues created by IDTech in latest release.  They removed multiple devices from the XML file by mistake.  Added those removed devices back to their latest release.

20180612 – (2018-06-13)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file to 5.0.14.

·        Added error detection to detect when order # is blank on create of the order screen and close the screen.

20180524 – (Internal Only)

·       Ordhdr.from_quote will now be populated on original order when a linked quote is created, then converted back to original order.

·       Ordhdrx.ref_order field will now be populated on new quote options, as well as unlinked quotes.

·        Time log screen will now properly save and sync the dept. override when selected.

·        Updated Android Studio and compiler.  Updated buildToolsVersion to 25.0.0.

·        Updated text on most controls when Dark Theme is selected to display light grey text, instead of default dark grey, which could not be seen well on some devices.

·        Updated sequence which tables are sent in xml for status change sync.  The ordhdr table is now sent before the stschglg table.

·        Added new ‘Payment Credit Card Require CVV2 NonPresent’ setting to manual credit card entry screen to require CVV2 security code.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.18A.12 or higher and web service 18.05.31 or higher.

·        Updated ‘Create Quote Options’ security option to only remove the ‘New Quote Option’ sub-menu instead of removing the ‘Quote Options’ main menu option.  This allows security to create unlinked quotes but not quote options.

·        Updated ‘Import Settings’ menu option in Configuration Settings to use updated file browser to browse for configuration file.  File browser previously used may not have worked properly on some devices.

20180426 – (2018-04-26)

·        Resolved issue where manual credit card authorization may not properly send address, city, state, and zip, when security setting is set as required.

20180323 – (2018-03-23)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file to 5.0.13.

20180315 – (2018-03-15)

·       Updated primary and sub-category filtering for ‘Add Stock or Non-stock item’ and ‘Add Multiple Items’ to filter categories based on item type not in ‘Labor’, ‘Template’, or ‘Flat Rate’.  This is the filter used in the search query.

·       Added check when using Bluepay encrypted credit card swipes to check for * character when querying for pay type.

·       Updated manual credit card authorization dialog to auto fill required billing address, city, state, and zip from order billing address, when required.

20180223 – (2018-02-23)

·       Items selected in Shopping Cart Item list and added to cart will now be cleared when user selects ‘Continue Shopping’.

·       ‘Add Stock or Non-stock item’ search option will now filter category and sub-category drop downs based on if the category or sub-category are assigned to any stock or non-stock items in the same manner as the Flat Rate, Template, and Labor searches filter the drop downs.

·        Added Android Security Settings to disable adding or updating Mobile forms on read only (Closed) orders.

·        Added Android Security Setting to require additional billing address, city, and state to be entered for manual credit card authorizations.

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file to 5.0.12 with support for Samsung - SM - T818A tablets.

20180119 – (Internal Only)

·       Resolved issue where app may hang when disconnected from internet and viewing an item in the Shopping Cart.

·       Resolved issue where documents may be listed multiple times for selection in the Print And Email Advanced documents dialog.

·        Updated Options drop down in Shopping Cart to display ‘New Quote From Order’ instead of ‘New Quote Option’ when on an order.  This should match what is displayed on menu from main order view.  This will allow quote and all quote options from original quote to be converted back to original order.

20171213 – (2017-12-15)

·       Resolved issue with new feature to filter statuses available for tech to set on order where additional statuses may be available to pick if the department setup included valid statuses on the Advanced tab.

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file to 5.0.12.

20171130 – (2017-12-04)

·       Resolved issue where adding an order, then performing a Full Sync, new order may not be synced properly on next Standard sync if the order status set on order is not a downloadable status.

·       Updated Shopping Cart Options drop down to allow opening the order a quote option was created from, or opening the quote options from the order.

·       Updated ‘Quote Options’ menu on quotes to allow opening the order a quote option was created from.

·       Resolved issue where app may crash when opening the notes tab on a quote on a tablet device.

·       Resolved issue on Capacity Schedule screen where accepting selections on order with work type with single slot selections may cause app to crash.

·       Resolved issue when using Print and Email Advanced for new follow up orders or quotes where documents selected to include in email may not be uploaded and attached properly.

·       Resolved issue where selecting a similar flat rate item may bring in the price at $0.00.

·       Excel files can now be loaded from documents tab in default Excel application.

·        Added new option ‘Create Unlinked Quote’ on ‘Add/Edit Quotes From Order’ and ‘Quote Options’ menu to create an unlinked quote, or a quote which is not a quote option.

20171108 – (2017-11-08)

·       Updated SSL certificate verification to revert back to previous verification procedure due to some clients having certificates which span host servers.

20171102 – (2017-11-02)

·       Updated SSL certificate verification to verify the server host name due to new Google Play Store policy.

20171002 – (2017-10-17)

·       Updated ServMan Mobile app icon and logos.

20170926  – (Internal)

·       Resolved issue caused by update to Android Nougat OS and above where ‘Download Current Release’ feature would not download and install the installation package properly.

·       Switching the work type on an order will now update the RPM capacity required (slots) on the order based on the work type selected.

20170919  – (Internal)

·       Resolved issue when creating a new quote option where department and work type may get set to the job dept. and work type instead of what is selected on the new quote dialog.

·       New feature added to filter the available statuses for tech to select based on department and current status selected.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.17A.22 or higher.

20170818  – (2017-08-22)

·        Added support to require billing zip code when swiping or manually authorizing credit card payment.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.17A.19 or higher.

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to properly support Samsung Galaxy S8 Model SM-G950U.

·        Resolved issue when adding external documents to order (from SD Card, Google Driver, Dropbox, etc.) where document may not get added to the order properly.

·        Added support to allow or deny access to tabs on quotes and orders separately.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.17A.20 or higher.

·        Label headers will now appear green, instead of blue, on quotes to provide additional distinction between orders and quotes.

20170807– (Internal)

·        Added support for RPM multi-slot pattern enhancements when capacity scheduling orders.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.17A.18 or higher, and web service version > 17.08.07

·        Resolved issue when using the Add Multiple Flat Rate option where components may be added to order detail as the retail price of the item.

·        Warehouse selection list on order detail will now include only active warehouses.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.17A.18 or higher, or warehouse.inactive field to be published in ServMan Android Schema Management.

20170714 – (2017-07-14)

·        Resolved issue created in 20170630 where first sync of the day may not perform a standard sync properly.  First sync of the day will now perform a Standard sync first, then a full sync.

·        Resolved issue in Shopping Cart where text search feature may not return results properly.

20170711 – (2017-07-11)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to properly support Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Model SM-T818v.  The ‘Alternate Swipe Config’ setting can be set to support this tablet.  This did not make it into the 20170630 final release.

20170630 – (2017-07-05)

·        Resolved issue when adding a document to documents tab using the ‘File’ option where all files were disabled and could not be added to order.

·        First sync of the day will now perform a full sync to download all data and config settings.

·        Resolved issue where quotes which are not in a quote option group may get set to Canceled if another quote not in a quote option group is converted to an order.

·        Follow-up orders will now be properly set to unscheduled = ‘Y’ when no schedule is set on the order.

20170614 – (Internal)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Model SM-T818v.  The ‘Alternate Swipe Config’ setting can be set to support this tablet.

20170526 – (Internal)

·        Time Log screen has been enhanced to query the server for all weekly time logs for payroll week and allow user to edit weekly time logs.  A new Android Security setting has been added to control the ability to edit past time log entries.  This feature requires ServMan Enterprise version 5.17A.11 or older, and web service version 17.06.08.

·        Resolved issue where Job ID may not be copied properly when creating a follow up order.

·        Resolved issue where order company may be blanked out when creating a follow up order.

20170503 – (2017-05-04)

·        Order capacity schedule screen will now look at the rpmslots on the order to determine how many slots are required for the order.  If no rpmslots were set on the order, the rpmslots set on the worktype is used.

·         Payzer: Support for Payzer fields customer_business_name, customer_first_name, customer_last_name have been added to call to the Payzer Intent.

·         Payzer: Resolves issue with Credit Card masking.

20170427 – (Internal Only)

·        Components of flat rate items will now be added properly to order detail when using ‘Add Multiple Flat Rates’ option on order detail screen.

·        Pricing is now properly hidden on component selection views when adding templates with component pricing and option on Employee record is set to hide pricing.

·        Time Detail entries edited from Time Detail entry screen from Order List will no longer update billable qty. or bill status when editing time detail records linked to orders.

·        Labor Detail screen will now properly update the bill status when adding or editing billable time and clicking save without clicking out of the edit control.

·        Added new Advanced Search item search to allow searching by multiple fields (Item #, Description, Extended Description) using AND or OR query.

·        Added Configuration Setting ‘Items Use Advanced Search’ to use new Advanced Search when adding items from Order Detail Screen.

·        Added Configuration Setting ‘Cart Use Advanced Search’ to use new Advanced Search when adding items to order from Shopping Cart.

20170417 – (2017-04-17)

·        Fixed security template issues where time detail total time control numbers were duplicated with time detail date control numbers.

20170307 – (2017-03-07)

·        Client data is now uploaded during standard sync to server.  Web Service has also been updated to only update client fields changed in Mobile.

·        New SQL Override database rule has been implemented for PostSyncEmailPDF after Print and Email or Print To Documents.

20170220 – (Internal)

·        Additional updates to flat rate and template component check list views, as well as when adding items directly from shopping cart search list, to properly default components as checked or unchecked.

·        Fixed issue where flat rate components may include an item price override on component check list views which is improperly added to order detail.

·        Added new setting and menu option in Shopping Cart for ‘Hide Prices in Shopping Cart’.

·        Added ‘You Saved’ or ‘You Could Save’ savings on Shopping Cart list.

·        Added new setting in ServMan Mobile Settings to display savings on Flat Rate items (defaulted to off) based on the flat rate price selected or entered.  Setting to set the preferred flat rate level for savings calculations has also been added to ServMan Mobile Settings.

20170209 – (2017-02-09)

·        Updated flat rate and template component check list views to use the proper ‘default’ setting on the components to default the item checked when TEMPLATECHECKSETTING in SyncServerSettings.ini is set to 0.  When TEMPLATECHECKSETTING is set to 1 or is not present in SyncServerSettings.ini, all components are defaulted to checked.

·        Updated Cart View to disallow user from changing price in Cart View list if the item is set to disallow mobile price changes.

·        Fixed issue where signature and document files may not be cleared off of device after an order is synced off of device.

·        Fixed issue when adding multiple items to an order through Order Detail tab where application may hang if connection to network is dropped.

·        Removed Item Search option from Item preview screen in Shopping Cart.  The search feature previously did nothing in this view.

·        Cursor is now defaulted to the Reference field when creating quote or quote options.

·        Fixed issue where flat rate level and time estimate fields may not be set properly on order detail when selecting multiple flat rate items from Order Detail tab or Shopping Cart.

·        Selecting ‘Accept’ when using ‘Multiple Flat Rate’ search will no longer re-open the search screen.  Selecting ‘Continue’ will re-open search screen.

20170127 – (2017-01-27)

·        Fixed possible rounding issues when calculating order tax and totals.

20170116 – (2017-01-16)

·        Corrects a problem where a Payzer Swipe would crash the application causing the payment to not properly sync to the back office.

 20161213 – (2016-12-13)

·        Added security issue and order menu option to allow follow up orders to be created on read only orders downloaded from client history.

20161129 – (2016-11-29)

·        Additions required for Payzer integration using the CCMERCH table.

20161118 – (2016-11-29)

·        Payzer support added for storing card in back office.  Requires web service build 16.10.24 or later.

·        Fixed issue where forms added to quotes would show a blank form when opened.

·        Added ability in Shopping Cart to tap and update the price of an item in the Shopping Cart list.

·        Enhanced Tasking error messages during an order sync will no longer be shown on tasks which were not completed.  They are now only shown if the task was set to complete.

·        Component button is no longer displayed on Item View when clicking item in Shopping Cart.

·        Added ability when selecting components for flat rate and template items to set the component qty. and price (template components only) from the component selection screen.

·        Added setting to allow all items in Shopping Cart, including those with a Print Flag of ‘N’.  Setting can be accessed in Settings, or can be toggled on and off in the menu in the Shopping Cart.

20161031 – (2016-11-01)

·        Includes changes to support Payzer interface with swipes and manual entry with options to store the card permanently. Note: This feature requires ServMan back office >=5.00C.94 to and Web Service build 16.10.24.

·        New Block Mobile Price Change setting on item setup is now supported to block user from updating prices on items.

·        Fixed issue in Shopping Cart Item View where crash may occur if item viewed has linked items which were not set to download to mobile.  The linked items will no longer be seen as linked items in view unless set to download to mobile.

20161024– (2016-10-24)

·        Fixed issue caused in update 20161003 where flat rate item price may not get set properly on order detail line when adding a flat rate item.

20161014– (2016-10-14)

·        Fixed issue caused in update 20161014 which may cause issues opening the Item Detail View screen in Shopping Cart on Android tablets.

·        Proper order fields are now updated when an order is reserved using recently added Capacity Schedule feature.  Requires Web Service version > 16.10.13

20161003– (2016-10-13)

·        Time Log feature on Order List screen will now set the bill status (billable, non-billable, contract) based on the appropriate default settings.

·        Added support for the field ITEM.FR_EST_TMA which will store the estimated time of a flat rate item when it is an additional repair. If this value is not set, the value of ITEM.FR_EST_TIM is used.  Requires Back Office 5.00C.93 or later.

·        Added quantity on hand to Shopping Cart item view.  ServMan Mobile will query the server when connected and display the current on hand qty. for the tech’s warehouse.  Requires Back Office 5.00C.93 or later.

·        Price update background thread has been updated to run in parallel when adding an item to an order.

·        Lead tech will now be updated on new orders scheduled to tech.

·        Avalara tax will now always be calculated when user hits the refresh tax button on the Order Summary screen.  Previously, if nothing on the order had changed, the Avalara service was not contacted to update tax.

20160916– (2016-09-16)

·        Capacity scheduling is now enabled on any work order added by tech, including follow up orders.

·        XML encoding has been added to mobile upload xml document during sync.

20160908– (2016-09-08)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML Alternate Swipe Config file with a manual adjustment to support Samsung Note 5.  The ‘Alternate Swipe Config’ setting can be set to support Note 5.

·        Updated appending to XML file to strip out invalid XML characters, if an exception occurs during the append, when uploading data to server.

20160901– (2016-09-01)

·        Updated the execution of multiple background tasks to execute in parallel on newer devices.  This should resolve issues seen on some devices where background tasks may hang, including the background task to query the server for the next quote number when adding a quote an ServMan Mobile.

20160830– (2016-08-30)

·        Fixed issue in Shopping Cart when adding items where updating cart progress dialog may hang.

·        Fixed issue where ordhdr.entered_by may be set to blank if Mobile was updated to 20160706 or after and back office was not updated.

20160809 – (2016-08-24)

·        Fixed issue when clicking ‘Service History For This System’ when ‘Show All Client Systems’ option is selected on Order Systems tab where service history for the wrong system may be downloaded and displayed.

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file with a manual adjustment sent by IDTech for testing on VK815 model device.

·        Appended extended description to description column in component selection grid when selecting components of flat rate or template items.

·        Added quote Expires on fragment to standard main fragment on quotes.  Requires Back Office build 5.00C.91 and Web Service > 16.08.09

20160729 – (Internal Build)  Requires Back Office build 5.00C.91 and Web Service > 16.07.25

·        Added feature to auto set marketing source on orders and quotes added in ServMan Mobile Android, based on setup in ServMan Mobile Settings.

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file to 5.0.10.

20160722 – (2016-07-25)

·        Fixed issue found during testing on Capacity Schedule view where user could select ‘No Results’.

20160719 – (Internal)

·        Fixed issue where clicking Next button on Order Task Detail screen would move to the previous task.

·        Updated ‘Sync’ menu option within an order to follow sync rules set on status setup to determine if order is downloaded to the device during sync.  Previously, the order was always returned after a sync when the user hit the ‘Sync’ menu option within an order.

·        Security Setting for Dept. Override control on Time Detail screen will now properly set security.

·        Time Detail description will now be properly set on order detail record when description is added/edited from Time Detail edit screen.

·        Inactive signature types are no longer displayed when adding a signature on an order.

20160706 – (Internal)  Requires Back Office build 5.00C.90 and Web Service > 16.06.20

·        Added ‘Convert To New Order’ feature menu option and security on quote menu.

·        Added ‘Capacity Schedule Order’ feature menu option and security on order menu to allow orders converted by user from a quote to reserve an order to service window in capacity group.

20160615 – (2016-06-15)

·        Fixed issue where when using click and hold ‘Add Template’ on order details tab, the Template Detail screen would be displayed a second time after Save.

·        Fixed issue where application may crash when clicking the ‘Swipe Card’ button on payment screen.

20160607 – (2016-06-07)

·        Updated IDTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file upgraded to 5.0.9.

20160525 Beta – (2016-05-25)

·        Added Android Sales Cart hyperlink banner feature to allow banners to be clicked on for advertising purposes.  Requires Back Office build 5.00C.86 and Web Service > 16.05.24

·        The proper sub-total amounts will now be displayed in Order Menu Quote Options dialog when switching between quote options.

·        Shopping Cart Item View will now only update client pricing when searching for items, not when viewing items already added to cart.

20160511 Beta - (2016-05-11)

·        Sales Cart Item Search feature has been re-designed to allow user to return to the main order properly when hitting the Home button after an item search.

·        Custom fragment control on order edit screens will now properly be updated when the right and left arrow are clicked to move to new records.

·        Start status in status change log will now be properly updated with the previous status.

·        Menu button color has been updated to show properly on Dark theme.

·        Updating items in Shopping Cart and pressing back to the order detail screen will now update the order detail grid to reflect changes.

·        Fixed issue where application may crash when adding a time log entry and trying to search for a job to assign to the time detail entry.

·        Updated ‘Download Selected Document’ process to use the ‘Buffer Size For File Downloads’ setting to set buffer size, instead of a hard coded buffer size.  This will greatly optimize downloading when buffer size is set high on high speed networks.

20160426 Beta - (2016-04-26) **Requires a Clean Start Over Sync.

·        When new quote option is created from shopping cart, new quote option created will open to the shopping cart.

·        Added progress dialog when selecting ‘Add To Cart’ button from shopping cart item list.

20160420 - (Internal Only)

·        .doc and .docx files downloaded to Documents tab will now open properly on all devices.

·        Changed menu button icon on Order screen to traditional Android menu icon.

·        Item documents will now be displayed and can be downloaded on Documents tab for items associated to systems attached to work order.

20160415 - (Internal Only)

·        Shopping Cart and Enhanced Searching features are now included.

·        Order Notes Add security feature now properly blocks adding notes when set to deny.

·        User can now properly update cash and check order payments, if they have security to do so.

20160223 - (2016-02-23)

·        Credit card processing will now pass up account number information so that the nSoftware library interface will properly set the value of Customer.Id and pass to the Gateway.

20160219 - (2016-02-19)

·        Corrects issue with the same document uploading multiple times during a sync.

·        Inactive note types will no longer show.

20160217 - (2016-02-17)

·        Time to completion sync will now check to see if a ORDHDR record needs to sync up as well to ensure that the schedule view is properly updated.

·        Phone dialing will now eliminate extra characters from passing to the dialer.

·        Correct the problem with creating an order on the device and doing a time to complete sync that creates a phantom schedule entry if the order is deleted on the device before a full sync occurs.



20160211 - (2016-02-11)

·        Capturing task comments after a result is capture when completing a task from the list will no longer save comments to the last item on the list.

·        Custom system fields will now properly save on screen rotations and when adding a new system.

·        IDTech Swipe Capture code has been rebuilt from the ground up to be more reliable at capturing subsequent swipes.

·        Corrects a problem where larger decimal values may get improperly stored to the database due to scientific notation.

·        Settings import will now close the activity screen so that it does not appear to have not imported any data. The user can reopen the settings screen to confirm or change the settings.

·        Users now receive a notice when trying to set a status to the current status and no automatic time log is recorded.

·        Order home screen status widget now shows a picker button for setting the status.


20151230 (2015-12-30)

·        Will now put the approval code in the ORDPAY.REFERENCE column. It will also populate into the columns AR.APPRVL_CD and CCTRANS.AUTH_CODE. The technician will also be shown the approval code on his screen. ServMan BackOffice 5.00C.75 will publish the ORDPAY.REFERENCE column as a standard column for the order payments view on mobile.

·        Users can now enter payment types setup in the back office for pay types not flagged as credit card payment types (PAYTYPE.IS_CC<>'Y') .

20151203 (2015-12-03) Published for Manual Download

·        Upgraded ITTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file upgraded to 5.0.6.

·        Support for the encrypted BluePay Shuttle swipe has been added for devices that support the BluePay shuttle. (NOTE: Requires a Web Service upgrade to 15.12.03 or later)


20151111 (2015-11-11) Published for Manual Download

·        Mobile Fragment Controls: The layout flags now support the values INITGONE and INITHIDE.

·        Time log and time clock screens now filter by date and default to the current date.

·        Corrects an issue where the security on setting a system inactive was not working.

·        Corrects a problem where syncing an order or quote with attached documents where the order or quote was added on the device and the documents were attached prior to the ORDHDR getting added to the back office database. The attached files would not get moved into the documents folder for that order or quote. The system will now push the ORDHDR table prior to syncing documents to ensure that the ORDHDR table has the proper record for the file uploads.

·        Debug SQL button now shows on the order edit screen if in troubleshooting mode.

·        Code maintenance performed on  double getXMLPrice

·        Corrects issues with setting tasks complete from the grid checkbox. There were also issues corrected with capturing results on pass/fail tasks.

·        Data entry for CVV2 is now allowed for credit card processing.

·        SQL query grid for miscellaneous troubleshooting grids now supports a long press to copy that cell to the clipboard.

·        The default time billing status for a job is now properly set.



20150930 (2015-09-30) Published for Manual Download

·        Corrects a problem where the signature type field does not get properly populated if you have only 1 signature type.

·        Corrects a problem where database rules for work types would incorrectly fire when a department change occurred on an order.

·        Creating a new order or quote on the device now does proper validation on departments with restricted worktypes.


20150922 (2015-09-22) Published for Manual Download

·        Changes to the department where the work type is no longer valid for the selected department will throw a fatal error when business rules are invoked.

·        Forms: The maximum length setting is now supported.

·        Tasking: The 12 character limit on the reading value for tasks is now enforced.

·        The system inactive checkbox is now properly disabled when applicable.

·        Security settings to block controls from being updated will now work for controls where a click action was allowed for edit.


20150918 (2015-09-18) Published for Manual Download

·        Email address entered on payment screen will now get properly set when swiping a credit card to allow automated receipt emails.  This was previously added to manual entry of credit card.

·        Syncing: For installations downloading a lot of tasks on order prior builds would show a delay at the end of the sync. This delay was to update some internal fields in the ORDTASK table. The system now shows a "please wait" message and the process has been slightly optimized.

20150910 (2015-09-10) Published for Manual Download

·        Fix: Unsaved signatures will not be lost if the device goes to sleep.

·        Fix: Tasks where the system ID is blank will no longer show tasking history for other tasks where the system ID is blank.


20150901 (2015-09-01) Published for Manual Download

·        Fix: Business rules will now fire when a order status is set to a status that is configured with a standard sync trigger.

·        Fix: Corrects a problem where a status sync may cause business rules to not fire during the next sync.

·        Fix: Corrects a problem on the 3 panel tablet view where clicking outside of the edit dialogs would cause the edit dialogs to close.

·        Extra code has been added to prevent blank values from going into ORDSYS.SYSTEM_NO

·        Diagnostics Email: Support has been added for the Web Service WEB.CONFIG setting for DEBUG_DIAGNOSTICS_EMAIL_TO. Requires Web Service version >=2015.09.01

·        Document module upload process has been rewritten to better handle large files on devices with limited memory.



20150828 (2015-08-28) Published for Manual Download

·        Fix: Corrects an issue with a technician status not showing if the tech status happened after a order status that overrides the tech status. (Grid view will required a manual correction to the fragment group or a back office upgrade to 5.00C.68 or higher)

·        Fix: Task edit screen will no longer blank data out when the screen is rotated or the device goes asleep. This issue was the cause of users syncing up task data with a blank task code.

·        Code for future encrypted credit card swiping has been started. Support for this will be on a future release.

·        Tasking history is now supported with web service build 15.08.21 and back office build 5.00C.68.

·        Several screens have been modified slightly to improve appearance.

·        Tasking edit screen now will capitalize sentences.

·        Checkboxes for systems "Show All" and "Hide Completed" are saved within the same order edit session.

·        Checkbox value for task "Hide Completed" is saved within the same order edit session.



20150807 (2015-08-07) Published for Manual Download

·        Corrects a problem with creating a quote from a callback order where the quote incorrectly gets populated with callback flags and values.

·        Blocks deletion of any order detail lines that have been invoiced or posted to COGs/WIP.

·        A message box has been added to detect rare possibility of adding a task without a task ID.

·        Order Tasks: Corrects a problem with using the checkbox to the left to set a pass fail that requires a numeric or text result be entered where the system would not prompt for the result and it would incorrectly put the word "Pass" or "Fail" in the result value.

20150731 (2015-07-30) Published for Manual Download

·        A new configuration setting  has been added to use the customer address over the lat/long values when mapping.

20150730 (2015-07-29) Published for Manual Download

·        Mobile forms: Orders will properly apply business rules when the only thing that changed was a form.

·        Mobile forms: Clean and start over syncs will now properly clear out mobile form data.

20150729 (2015-07-28) Published for Manual Download

·        Mobile forms: Corrects issue with refreshing expression widgets from a number edit or text edit field.

·        Notes: Entering text into the notes field will now do sentence capitalization automatically.

·        Setting a system Id on a task or a detail line item will now link that system to the order if it is not already linked.


20150728 (2015-07-27) Published for Manual Download

·        Mobile forms: Corrects issue with refreshing expression widgets.

20150727 (2015-07-27) Published for Manual Download

·        Corrects issue with renaming documents and the document type prefix not always applying correctly.

·        Mobile forms: Pressing the "Verify and Close" button on a form will now set the value of MOBILEFORM.LOCKED = 'V' when the form is successfully verified. Any changes to the form data reset the value back to 'N'.


20150718 (2015-07-18) Published for Manual Download

·        Adding a work order on the device and scheduling it now properly sets the value of ORDHDR.UNSCHEDULE.


20150717 (2015-07-17) Published for Manual Download

·        Documents tab now supports renaming local files.

20150715 (2015-07-15) Internal Build

·        Change actions on a mobile control now support the REFRESH command. (Requires ServMan Back Office 5.00C.66 or later).

·        New custom SQLite call can be made immediately after a successful standard or full sync to do additional device level data grooming. This can script can be setup in the Back office "ServMan Mobile Database Rules" procedure using the rule name "Sync.PostSyncExecuteSQL" (Requires ServMan Back Office 5.00C.66 or later).

·        Tasking: Clearing a tasks complete status will now clear the employee ID from the task.

·        Corrects a problem with Long press on the system fragment to link the selected system to the document when showing "All Client Systems".


20150715 (2015-07-15) Internal Build


·        System Fragment now allows hiding systems where all tasks are completed.

·        Long press on the system fragment now allows the user to link the selected system to the document when showing "All Client Systems".

·        Fixes a problem where adding a quote from an order may change the department on the original order.

·        Document Types from the back office document management module are now prompted for when capturing an image or external document onto the order or quote. (Requires Web Service 20150715 or later)

·        The mobile table orddownload is now populated with documents stored on the device per order at the time of a sync so that a user can perform business rules on documents prior to the sync.

·        If no records exist for a custom document fragment in the mobilefragcontent table, then the system will use the .Standard fragment in its place.

·        Mobile business rules: Support for the "Other" business rules has been added. (Requires ServMan Back Office 5.00C.65 or later).

·        Settings screen now supports a menu option to Import or Export settings to quickly configure other devices.

·        Tasking Changes: The tasking tab for orders now supports a checkbox on the left to quickly complete tasks.

·        Schedule widget will display the employee name information without truncation.

·        All fragment controls and form controls have been converted from TextView to EditText so that the "Hint" feature will work.

·        A new connectivity setting allows the user to configure the file upload buffer size. The default is 32K.

·        Tasking rules will now be applied when a user tries to sync an order that will leave the device.


20150617 (2015-06-17)

·        Added a new setting to use an alternate IDTech credit card swipe configuration for Android devices that IDTech does not currently support. Devices can be added on a case by case basis and must be set to the ServMan development team to research required settings for the device. This research is offered for a fee to our customers. Beta support has been added for Samsung models:

               SM-T807V Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 (Verizon) (White)

               SM-P605V Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition (Verizon) (Black 32gig)              

·        Corrects a problem where a back office COD batch payment record might get reflected twice on the device summary fragment if the technician also keyed the payment. The total paid value will now use the ORDPAY.HASACTUAL flag to properly reflect the amount paid.

20150612 (2015-06-12)

·        ServMan Mobile Forms: Support added to create miscellaneous lists to use in forms and other customizations has been added. Note: Requires ServMan Web Service 2015.06.10 or later and ServMan Back Office 5.00C.64 or later.

·        ServMan custom fragment controls now support "AutoComplete" edit types.

·        Credit card reference in ORDPAY has been abbreviated to avoid truncation.

20150602 (2015-06-02)

·        Added timeouts to KSOAP HttpTransportSE web service calls.

·        Upgraded ITTech Unimag Library 5.0A. XML file upgraded to 5.0.3.

·        Fixes a problem with crashing when editing an order from a business rule result.


20150528 (2015-05-29)

·        Allows forms from closed orders to be added and/or edited.


20150528 (2015-05-28)

·        Eliminates unnecessary XML logging in the mobilesynclog table.

·        Corrects issues with custom forms not showing or hiding controls properly.

·        Error message for item not on file has been suppressed for detail rows that originate from the back office database.


20150521 (2015-05-21)

·        Corrects issues with logging time across the midnight hour.

·        Added enhanced logging during several syncs for troubleshooting. To enable choose Settings >> Troubleshooting >> Database debug level: Set the value to the current date in the format of YYYYMMDD.

·        Advanced option >> Advanced options >> Email Diagnostics to support will now send information from the new table MOBILESYNCLOG and it will also upload all records in the ORDHDR table regardless of change status.

·        Database container classes have been modified for more robust record schema validation.

·        Mobile Forms: Support added for mobile form showing and hiding controls using wildcards for view tags and wildcards for selected values. Note: Feature only works if using ServMan back office build 5.00C.62 or later.

·        Picker List widgets now support the following keywords in the SQL query to allow filtering: <ORDER_NO> <SYSTEM_NO> <OD_ID>

·        Client lookup: The client lookup screen now shows an indicator icon for accounts that are inactive or on hold. A column has been added to the end of the return set to show this information and the row is border with a red outline.



20150507 (2015-05-07)

·        Corrects issues with 20150506 where some form features were not working correctly.

·        Corrects issues with 20150506 where the notes date added logic was not displaying correctly.

20150506 (2015-05-06)

·        Corrects a problem with 20150505 where fragments would not load for ServMan back office clients running 5.00C.59 or earlier.

20150505 (2015-05-05)

·        Forms support has been added and requires ServMan back office build 5.00C.60 or later.

·        Notes table (CAL) will now store the [DATE] value. Also, ServMan BackOffice build 5.00C.59 and higher will send down both the value of CAL.DATE and CAL.DATE_CHNG and show both on the grid. A back office version is not required to run this Android build, it is only required if you need to see both date fields in the notes grid.

·        Fixes an issue where Labor item types may show in the search screen when choosing "Add Stock or Non-stock Item".

·        Note type is now a required field.


20150415 (2015-04-15)

·        Corrects a problem with deleted entries not properly syncing. This problem existed from Android build 2015.02.26 thru 2015.03.17.

·        Items that may have been added to the mobile database from a order prior synced that contained that item will be removed if the item is not flagged to download to mobile.

20150317 (2015-03-17)

·        Support ServMan Back Office version 5.00C.54 ability to customize system picker sort order and system picker descriptions.

·        Detects when more than 100 tasks are on the order and requires the user to select a system to filter the tasks by (if tasks exist without a system link, then an option shows to select those too).

·        Supports further decimal precision (up to 5) on labor durations.

·        Internal reengineering of system queries to make them consistent between differing screens.

·        Time clock punch in/out will now force a sync of the UTIMECLK transactions effected.

·        When adding a task with a system filter on, the system automatically populates the system into the task picker screen so that tasks added get tagged to the filtered system.

·        Additional checks added to block the task picker from including tasks flagged to not download to mobile. These tasks may exist on the device due to their existence on an order. If so, the task picker will exclude them in its searches.

·        Warning messages have been added to detect when a user logs time that over laps with another time log entry for the same day.


20150302 (2015-03-02)

·        Corrects an issue with Template and Flat rate item components: ServMan Android now allows duplicate item numbers as components. The user is required for perform a "Full Sync" after getting  this update to ensure that the components get properly populated on the device.


20150227 (2015-02-27)

·        Template and flat rate items will now show components in correct order consistent with the way it is setup in the back office components tab of an item.

·        Template and flat rate items will now use the SERVMAN.INI setting for GLOBAL_DEFAULT_LOAD_CHECKSHEET

·        Added a configuration setting to ServMan Android to "Disable Soap Headers" to support Lollipop on HTC One. This can be set on ServMan Android through Settings >> Connectivity. To use this option you MUST configure your ServMan Web Service to not require the soap header information. Not doing so will cause your syncs to fail. (Web service web.config setting:  <add key="DEBUGGING_ONLY_FOR_BROWSER_VALIDATION" value="true"/>). These settings are provided as a work around only and should not be used unless a device is having issues with establishing Soap Headers in the HTTP response envelope.


20150226 (2015-02-26)

·        Corrects a problem where adding multiple tasks to a system could cause a duplicate value in the ORDSYS table.

·        Additional provisions added to avoid showing records deleted in the current session.

·        Addresses a few issues with the new "Light" theme.


20150225 (2015-02-25)

·        Print advanced will now properly show photos taken on the device and not yet synced to the server.

·        We now offer both "Dark" and "Light" themes. This can be set from Settings >> Configuration >> Theme


20150219 (2015-02-19)

·        Corrects an issue where a clean install or a clean and start over sync would cause the application to crash when trying to do anything but a configuration sync.

·        Added database version tracking for better transition to upgrades.


20150213 (2015-02-13)

·        Support for "Data Update Required" flag set on a system in the back office has been added. If this is set, then the system will show with a yellow border until something is changed on the system record. Standard syncs will be blocked until the system information is capture.

·        A setting has been added to force a sync bypassing all rules. Setting is in the "Sync Information" section of settings. This setting reverts back to on after each sync. This allows the tech to force a sync and let the back office cleanup the issues.

·        Fixes an issue where setting the status to Enroute for an order with lat/longs specified, would not launch navigation with an incorrect parameter format. Support for this feature was originally added in build 20150130.


20150211 (2015-02-11)

·        Client lookup will now show YELLOW border around client if the client has an active contract. Also added are columns for special handling and contract description. (Requires Back office version 5.00C.53 or later)

·        Client lookup and download will now properly download all published columns. Prior builds would not download special handling information. (Requires Back office version 5.00C.53 or later)

·        Menu options for adding a system allow adding a system to the client without linking to the order.

·        System deletions for systems added in the current session will now properly perform actions from the menu options.

·        Signature types with custom disclaimers are now supported. (Requires Back office version 5.00C.53 or later)

·        Required signatures by work type are now supported. (Requires Back office version 5.00C.53 or later)

·        Mobile database rules are now supported and enforced. (Requires Back office version 5.00C.53 or later)


20150130 (2015-01-30)

·        Correction: Saved tasks will now properly stamp the employee ID in the ORDTASK table.

·        Support for automatically launching navigation when status is set to "EnRoute" has been added. This option requires ServMan back office 5.00C.50 or later and ServMan Web Service 15.01.30 or later. This setting is controlled by ServMan back office (ServMan Mobile Settings procedure).


20150114 (2015-01-19)

·        Correction: Multi-item selection will now properly handle the "check-all" and "uncheck-all" option.


20150114 (2015-01-14)

·        New Feature: Requires web service build (not yet released). Dated 2015-01-14 or later. Support has been added to see documents from the original quote and from the referential order on callbacks and follow-ups.

·        Under advanced options, there is a new button to email diagnostic information to ServMan support.


20141230 (2014-12-30)

·        New Feature: Supports the ITEM.SYSREQ setting for items and gives error messages when adding to an order and the system is left blank.

·        Credit Card Readers: Unimag XML configuration settings have been updated to Unimag XML 4.4.4 which means more devices are now supported.


20141114 (2014-11-14)

·        Fix: Corrects issue where an item type of Labor populated from template or flat rate item would not allow the user to edit the time in/out or date.


20141030 (2014-10-30)

·        Fix: Rotating the screen will now properly save the position information so that the left and right arrow buttons work.

·        Modified the View/Edit Task menu option to indicate that a result  or comment is required.


20141029 (2014-10-29)

·        When adding an item number to a time log, the system will now default search for labor item types.

·        Long pressing on a order task from the list now gives menu options to complete the task without opening it.

·        Systems associated with a contract can no longer be marked inactive.

·        The dark blue text color on black for some fields has been changed to yellow so that is shows more clearly.

·        Fix: Time durations will now calculate correctly when crossing the midnight hour.

·        Fix: When clicking the next or previous button on a contact, any changes will now be saved.

·        Fix: On tablets, the summary view on a 3 pane configuration will no longer get cut off on a 10inch tablet.

·        Fix: Blocks adding a STSCHGLG entry when the status did not change.

·        Fix: Creating a follow up order will now properly update the ORDHDRX table to form the follow up link when the order is synced.

·        Fix: Logging time across the midnight hour will no longer give an error message.

·        Fix: Inactive systems setting from ServMan Back Office will now be applied to ServMan Android.

·        Fix: Corrects a problem where data previously entered may get reverted to the original value when the screen orientation changes or when the device goes to sleep.


20141027 (2014-09-18)

·        Fix: Service History: Corrects an issue where if a query for history times out, where the app would show the prior history request results from possibly another client account.

·        The default price book assigned to a new order or quote will now pull from the default pricing contract for the client if one exists.


20141026 (2014-08-07 / 2014-08-14-GP)

·        Corrects issues with price lookups when adding multiple items. UI now has better progress information.

·        Corrects issue where setting a status may add extraneous rows to the status change log without the technician ID associated.

·        Default timeout value for short web service queries (established on new ServMan mobile installation) is 8 seconds.


20141025 (2014-07-28)

·        Corrects issue with credit card swipes causing the application to crash.


20141024 (2014-07-18)

·        Corrects issue with price books not working that compute based on item cost.

·        Corrects an issue where if the user selects an existing order detail item, then clicks the refresh price button, then saves, the item gets duplicated.


20141023  (2014-07-17)

·        Corrects issue where some web servers would not allow ServMan mobile to upload file attachments.

·        File attachments now have 2 options. The file option allows the user to use other applications such as Dropbox to browse and attach files. (No guarantees that this method works for applications that appear with a "file/*" intent). The other option is a file browser dialog that allows the user to browse files on the device and attach them.

·        Blocks uploading 3 digit credit card expiration dates on manual entry card non-present transactions.

·        Allows the user to modify file names of pictures or videos created.


20141022 (2014-07-01)

·        Corrects an issue where deleting a order detail line created on the device would cause a time logged entry not associated with an order to get deleted.


20141021 (2014-06-27)

·        Fixes issue with changing the zipcode causing the application to crash.

·        Flat rate multi-select: Fixes issue where unselecting a row still requires the user to put in a price.

20141020 (2014-06-27)

·        Mild optimizations added by reducing the number of reconnects to the database have been added.

·        Total times for time logged and timeclock screen now show in decimal format. A setting exists in the "Configuration" group to revert back to the HH:MM setting.

·        Logging time to an order will now show the default value for the billing status for labor line items.

·        Labor postings to orders will now default the billing status consistently with ServMan Backoffice.

·        Corrects rounding issues with tax codes.

·        Corrects issues where tax codes would not get assigned to flat rate items or template components when added on Android causing tax calculation errors.

·        Flat rate item single entry no longer requires the user to select the flat rate price from the lookup screen.

·        The select quantity for labor items now defaults to 0 since time in/out will determine labor quantities.

·        Credit card transactions will strip extra preceding "B" from card number for card present transactions.


20141019 (2014-06-12)

·        Corrects issues with time logging on status flips causing labor to be flagged as billable time when it should be non-billable.

·        Corrects storing data to the STSCHGLG table when setting a status that is a "Tech Status Only". Prior versions would not properly set the value of STSCHGLG.FROM_STS when the action was not configured to log time to the order.


20141018 (2014-06-04)

·        Multi-select Item search screen will now remember the previous item type you searched when you choose the "Continue" button.

·        Support for new client special handling fields on Back Office 5.00C.31 and later has been added.

·        Custom layout options have been enhanced.

·        Credit Card Readers: Unimag XML configuration settings have been updated to Unimag XML 4.2.6 which means more devices are now supported.

·        Support for Unimag 2 Reader has been added. (


20141017 (2014-05-29; Internal Release)

·        Item search screens now support different columns returned for Flat rate lookups.

·        Item search screen now allows the user to select a system to associated the detail lines with.

·        Multi-select "Flat Rate" items is now supported.

·        Fixes an issue with Multi-select not working all the time.

·        New quotes and orders now support entering data into the request field. The reference field is only required for quote options.

·        System wide default price books are now supported when using with ServMan Back Office 5.00C.31 and later.

·        Serial numbers now support up to 32 characters when using with ServMan Back Office 5.00C.31 and later.

·        Time logging screen now shows total time for all entries.

·        Time clock screen now shows total time for all entries.

·        Full sync will now properly drop data from the ITEM tables that inactive items can be removed without performing a clean and start over sync.


20141016  (2014-04-01)

·        Fixes an issue with status filters on the department not working.


·        Fixes an issue with tax exempt items not properly affecting the tax calculation. Prior fix on 20141014 was not properly applied.

·        Fixes an issue with editing systems when the user selects to "Show all client systems".



·        Fixes an issue with the day of week name showing incorrectly on labor postings

·        Fixes issues with screen rotation on orders causing data to get changed or crashes.

·        Fixes an issue with flat rate / template entry where screen would not scroll in landscape.

·        Fixes an issue with tax exempt items not properly affecting the tax calculation.



·        Corrects issue with invalid zip code going into manual credit card transactions.   


·        Fixes issues with pricing for auto posting labor items.

·        Credit card swipe is process is more robust and forgiving.

·        Order numbers / Quotes numbers generated on the device will first attempt to get a back office order or quote number prior to assigning the device supplied value. If connectivity is not available, then  the device ID will be used.

·        Schedule change requires a valid schedule date.

·        Item Lookup: Sub categories will be restricted for the selected primary category when applicable.


20141008 - 201410011

·        Intermediate builds for miscellaneous client issues.



·        Time logging will no longer default the date to year 1900.

·        Fixes issue with timelog/timeclock security.


·        Time clock support has been added.

·        Time logging support has been added.

·        New feature: You can now long press on client lookup screen to see client history without creating an order or quote.

·        New feature: You can now view all client systems instead of only those on the order or quote.

·        New feature: You can now filter systems by location or type.

·        Item groups associated with the employee are now supported.

·        Item search screen now remembers your last preference for searching by item number or description

·        Item search screen: Fixes issue with flat rate primary category and sub categories showing many duplicates.

·        Template items now properly load pricing base on configuration settings.

·        Downloading an application update will now remove prior downloaded file.

·        Support for Waze added.

·        Employee specific fragment groups are now properly used.  (work type overrides will override any employee setting)

·        Orders and appointments now sort by date/time scheduled.

·        Fixes a bug with processing credit cards.

·        Fixes a bug where creating a new order or quote on the device would not properly sync to the back office database.


20141005 BETA

·        Template item pricing will now properly populate from price book calls. Template component print flags will also properly store.


20141004 ALPHA

·        Requires ServMan back office 5.00C.22 or (manual installation of updated ServMan mobile module and associated SQL script; Also the initialize proc for Android must be run)

·        Requires ServMan Web Service 14.00.06 or later.

·        New Feature: Supports time clock entries

·        Client Lookup now support history lookup without downloading client and creating a quote or order.

·        Order: System view now supports filtering by type.

·        Order: System view now supports viewing all client systems (inactive and active) not associated with the order.

·        Item group filtering is now supported.

·        Item search now remembers your last selection (ItemNo or Description contains).

·        Item search: Flat rate primary and sub category duplication when filtering has been fixed.

·        Downloading an update from within the application will now remove prior update downloads.

·        Waze: Support for Waze has been added. (Under Settings >> Configuration)

·        Fragment groups assigned on the employee layer will now work when applicable.

·        Order list and appointment list now sort by schedule date/time.

·        Credit card processing has been fixed.



20141003 BETA

·         Requires ServMan back office 5.00C.18 and later.

·         Requires ServMan Web Service 2014.1000.03 or later.

·        Corrects issues with back button on orders not clearing the "Loading " screen.

·        Allows downloading application update from Advanced menu from web site.

·        New Print Advanced feature added.


20141002 BETA

·         Requires ServMan back office 5.00C.18 and later.

·         Requires ServMan Web Service 2014.1000.02 or later.

·        New advanced print allows attachments to be combined into a single PDF.

·        Corrects issue with selecting last contact email address for sending.

·        Allows user to download an order from order history look up.

·        Additional progress indicators have been added.

·        System now prompts user to confirm a status change.

·        Appearance of detail and system edit forms has been modified slightly to allow for more information to show.


20141001 BETA

·        Corrects image refresh after taking a picture or video.

·        Corrects total time and billable time inconsistencies during detail data entry.


20141000 BETA

·        Initial application published to Google Play